Pomegranate in Modern Naturopathy

Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is considered the oldest medicinal fruit of mankind. It has been used for centuries as a food and stimulant. Its health-promoting properties are thereby known in many cultures and are often used – especially pomegranate juice is popular due to its healthy effect. Hardly any other plant has been the subject of more nutritional studies in recent years than the pomegranate.

Pomegranate: health effects investigated in studies

While strong antioxidant effects were previously attributed primarily to green tea and red wine, it was demonstrated some time ago that pomegranate has many times greater antioxidant effects, in addition to other health-promoting properties. Health effects on the cardiovascular system and lipid and sugar metabolism, among others, have been described. Studies show preventive effects of pomegranate on the development of malignant diseases, for example, prostate and breast carcinomas, inflammatory and degenerative diseases, and menopausal symptoms. Superfoods – 9 healthy foods

Pomegranate against oxidative stress

Diseases in whose development and progression oxidative stress plays a role include cardiovascular diseases such as:

  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Lipid metabolism diseases
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatic diseases
  • Degenerative and especially neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, cataract and age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

Oxidative stress may also contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction, as well as overweight and obesity (obesity), where obesity itself may increase oxidative stress. Oxidative damage also plays a crucial role in the development of chronic liver disease, particularly fatty liver, including alcohol-induced damage to the liver. Oxidative damage has a significant influence on the development and progression of benign and malignant tumors (e.g. carcinomas) and their precursors as well as numerous other diseases. The same applies to premature aging processes or damage to genetic material, for example by environmental toxins.

Composition of ingredients decisive

In the last seven years, more than 300 scientific papers have been published on pomegranate. Numerous interesting effects of pomegranate have been demonstrated in clinical and human experimental studies. However, the spectrum of effects of pomegranate is not associated with a single ingredient without connection. Therefore, a highly concentrated application of isolated ingredients of the pomegranate – as is the case with most plants – does not make sense. Rather, the secret of the pomegranate lies precisely in the special interaction of the numerous ingredients that achieve an extraordinary effect.

Antioxidant effects of pomegranate and pomegranate juice.

Numerous effects are associated with the pronounced antioxidant effects of pomegranate preparations. The antioxidant effects of pomegranate juice even exceed the same-directed activity of “food favorites” such as red wine, green tea, blueberry juice, and grape juice, as well as vitamin C and vitamin E. This could be shown, for example, by the extent of protection of nitric oxide (NO) from oxidative destruction. Although blueberry juice and grape juice already had significant antioxidant effects, the effect of pomegranate juice was more than a thousand-fold higher.

Protection of the cardiovascular system

The antiarteriosclerotic effects of pomegranate juice are predominantly associated with its marked antioxidant activity. Interestingly, as little as 50 milliliters of pomegranate juice per day resulted in a 36 percent reduction in ACE and a five percent reduction in systolic blood pressure within two weeks in hypertensive patients.

Positive effects on lipid and sugar metabolism.

In diabetics, endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerotic vascular changes in the form of micro- and macroangiopathies occur particularly early and proceed at an accelerated rate. Oxidative stress is a key patho-physiological mechanism in this process. The ability of pomegranate preparations to reduce intestinal sugar absorption and ameliorate post-meal hyperglycemia is consistent with the described effects in diabetes.

Pomegranate compatibility

Pomegranate juice pressed from the fruit has been valued for centuries as a well-tolerated food. There are no known specific side effects. The fruit juice is high in sugar and calories, making it of limited use to diabetics. It is also acidic, so – as with other acidic fruit juices – care should be taken to protect tooth enamel (one hour apart from brushing teeth).