

Pyrimethamine is commercially available in tablet form (Daraprim). The combination Fansidar (+ sulfadoxine) is off the market (malaria).

Structure and properties

Pyrimethamine (C12H13ClN4, Mr = 248.7 g/mol) is a diaminopyrimidine. It exists as a white crystalline powder or as colorless crystals and is practically insoluble in water.


Pyrimethamine (ATC P01BD01) has antiparasitic properties. It is an antiprotozoal agent effective against , plasmodia and . It interferes with protozoan folic acid metabolism by inhibiting the activation of folic acid through competitive inhibition of dihydrofolate reductase. Pyrimethamine has a long half-life of approximately 85 hours.


For treatment of toxoplasmosis in combination with a sulfonamide (e.g., sulfadiazine).


According to the SmPC. Calcium folinate must be substituted during treatment to reduce the risk for bone marrow suppression. Sulfonamides should always be taken with adequate fluids.


  • Hypersensitivity

For complete precautions, see the drug label.


Drug interactions are possible with other folic acid antagonists, lorazepam, antacids, and kaolin.

Adverse effects

The most common possible adverse effects include anemia, blood count abnormalities (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia), vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, rash, and headache.