Resin Veneer Crown

A resin veneer crown has a framework of metal surrounded by tooth-colored resin.

The resin is matched to your natural tooth color, providing natural aesthetics at an affordable price.Resin veneers are less expensive than porcelain veneers, but have similar positive aesthetic properties.

Indications (areas of application)

  • Long-term temporaries
  • Secondary telescopic crowns

As a permanent fixed prosthesis, plastic-veneered crowns are not suitable because of long-term discoloration and wear of the plastic. In the case of secondary telescopes, it is a removable prosthesis that can be repaired at any time in a laboratory.


  • Occlusal surfaces in the posterior region

The occlusal surfaces in posterior teeth cannot be veneered with acrylic, as it would wear too much or even fracture (break or chip) due to the high stresses of chewing.

The fabrication

First, the tooth to be restored must be ground by the dentist to accommodate the crown. An impression of the prepared tooth is taken along with the remaining dentition, and a bite registration is fabricated. If supporting zones have been dissolved, a jaw relation determination must be made.

The crown is fabricated in the laboratory. First, the metal framework is fabricated. It is modeled in wax on the die, then provided with casting channels made of wax and embedded in investment material in a casting muffle. After the wax is melted out in a hot furnace, the liquefied metal is cast.

The framework can be made of either a gold-bearing alloy or non-precious metal alloys. As these are usually long-term temporaries and not definitive dentures, a non-precious metal framework is often fabricated. The resin is then applied to this in layers. In this way it is possible to match not only the tooth color but also the tooth shape individually. The acrylic is only applied in the visible area, the oral (inward) parts of the crown or remain uncovered.

Adhesion of the acrylic to the metal base can be achieved using various techniques:

  • Silicoater method – flame pyrolytic coating.
  • Silicoater MD process – firing on silicate coatings.
  • Rocatec process – tribochemical coating.

In these processes, a silane layer is applied to the metal, which allows the chemical bond of metal to plastic. In addition, retention beads or retention wires are used, which also provide a mechanical bond between the two components.


A crown is usually worn as a long-term temporary restoration to protect the tooth and bridge the gap until a permanent restoration is placed.

Secondary telescopes with acrylic veneers can be repaired quickly and inexpensively in a laboratory if the acrylic is damaged.

They maintain your natural aesthetics, helping you to continue smiling with confidence.