Which home remedies can help me? | Homeopathy for sore throats

Which home remedies can help me?

Various household remedies can also help with sore throats. This includes above all drinking enough tea. On the one hand, this ensures that the mucous membranes are moistened, which strengthens the immune system, and on the other hand it warms the throat locally.

Camomile, ginger and peppermint tea are particularly suitable, but other types of tea can also help against sore throats. The preparation should ideally be fresh, so that the respective plants and their effects can be fully appreciated. Drinking tea regularly is an important measure against sore throats.

Another household remedy for sore throats is the use of neck wraps. These can be used both warm and cold. For warm neck wraps, dip a cotton cloth in warm water.

To fix it to the neck, a scarf can also be used. Potato slices, which have been cooked beforehand, can also be wrapped around the neck in a compress. Here, a safe temperature should be maintained to avoid burns. For detailed information, please refer to the article: Household remedy against sore throat