Side effects | Kijimea® Derma

Side effects

There are currently no known side effects of Kijimea® Derma.If side effects or novel complaints, as well as a deterioration of the skin appearance should occur, this can and should be reported to the manufacturer.


Since many people, especially at an advanced age, regularly take medication, the question of interactions is very important. Especially over-the-counter drugs can lead to interactions with other medications that cannot be directly controlled by a doctor. Such over-the-counter products are also called “over-the-counter medication”.

However, with Kijimea® Derma this danger does not exist. There are currently no known significant interactions of Kijimea® Derma with other medications. Especially people who have to take many medications on a regular basis should discuss the use of other over-the-counter drugs or dietary supplements with their treating physician.

Newly occurring side effects or interactions can then be more easily assigned to an active ingredient. In principle, there is nothing wrong with taking Kijimea® Derma and drinking alcohol at the same time, as no interactions are to be expected. However, there may be increased side effects, particularly those affecting the gastrointestinal tract.

Flatulence, diarrhea or stomach pain are possible consequences. More serious side effects or interactions are not known, however. Alcohol consumption nevertheless has a very negative effect on many skin problems, so that the improvement of the skin through consumption is limited. For Kijimea® Derma to work well, alcohol consumption should therefore be kept to a minimum or even be avoided.


The dietary supplement Kijimea® Derma are hard capsules containing a microculture, riboflavin and biotin. Riboflavin and biotin both belong to the group of B vitamins, whereas the microculture L. salivarius FG01 contains microorganisms. There are no known contraindications for Kijimea® Derma.

People with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure or other conditions may also take Kijimea® Derma. The product is lactose-free, so even lactose intolerance is not a problem. However, if you are intolerant to Kijimea® Derma, you should stop taking it. Any deterioration in skin condition should also result in discontinuation of Kijimea® Derma.