Successes | EMS Training: Electronc Muscle Stimulation


Correctly performed and combined with EMS Training, good results in muscle building and rehabilitation can be achieved. It is important to consider several components. EMS Training is very efficient, but cannot replace a complete physical training, because in the long run muscles, tendons and joints are not stressed enough.

For long-term success it is therefore sensible to choose a combination of EMS training, conventional strength training and endurance training. By electronically stimulating specific muscle groups, more muscles are stimulated simultaneously during EMS training than during pure strength training. As a result, a good training effect is achieved in a relatively short time and a state of exhaustion is reached.

The first successes of EMS training can already be seen after the first session, e.g. when previously existing muscularly induced pain subsides. Physical changes are already visible after 4-6 weeks of EMS training. Ultimately, it depends on the goals of the individual person to what extent success can be achieved. With good supervision and realistic goals, EMS Training can achieve good results. The following articles may also be of interest to you:

  • Isometric exercises
  • Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
  • Vibration training

Side effects

Although EMS Training has been a proven rehabilitation method for muscle building after injury or surgery for many years, the side effects are not to be ignored. Straight one by the momentary Fitnessstrend comes it frequently to unintentional side effects, usually by: insufficient preparation bad support too little specialized knowledge should be obvious that a training with stimulation current is unsuitable with: If the training intensity is too high and the person concerned is overworked, in extreme cases kidney damage can occur due to increased secretion of the enzyme creatine kinase. Other side effects that can occur are Especially if you train too intensively as a beginner, there is an increased risk of muscular overload, as the natural protective mechanisms are overridden by the EMS training, severe muscle soreness, especially after the first training sessions To keep the risk of side effects as low as possible, it is therefore important to have a health check performed by your doctor before EMS training to weigh up the benefit-risk ratio.Choosing the right EMS studio is also important, as only trained professionals should conduct EMS training.

  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • Pregnant women
  • Small children
  • Open wounds
  • Sensitive skin can cause additional damage to the electrodes
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Circulatory problems
  • If the body is not yet accustomed to the unaccustomed intensive strain
  • A muscular imbalance, especially when training is done incorrectly or one-sidedly
  • Injuries to ligaments and tendons
  • When bones and connective tissue regress due to insufficient use