Symptoms in children | Symptoms of high blood pressure

Symptoms in children

In general, high blood pressure in children can also go completely asymptomatic for years. Therefore, if symptoms such as recurring headaches, dizziness, reduced performance, ringing in the ears, frequent nosebleeds, sleep disturbances, atypical nausea and vomiting and even visual disturbances occur, the blood pressure should be measured and clarified on three different days. There is no clear limit value as for adults, since the values depend on age, height and weight.

If there is also a narrowing of the aorta (main artery of the body), symptoms such as cold feet and leg pain can occur during the night. If high blood pressure suddenly occurs with values well above the 95th percentile, visual disturbances and seizures may occur. Which symptom occurs when and from which blood pressure values is very different from person to person