Symptoms in the early stages of tongue cancer | You can recognize tongue cancer by these symptoms

Symptoms in the early stages of tongue cancer

At the beginning of the disease the symptoms may be very mild or absent. As a result, tongue cancer is rarely detected in its early stages. The ulcer on the tongue is very small at the beginning and can be mistaken for a harmless altered area.

However, the changes on the tongue have a different color and structure. Pain or other symptoms such as bad breath or bleeding are very rare in the early stages. For this reason, it is often necessary to wait too long before the affected person presents himself to a doctor.

In the stages in which the ulcer is then discovered, it has often already spread. The cancer cells have therefore migrated from the original tumor and spread via the lymphatic vessels or the bloodstream. If changes in the tongue are noticed which do not disappear even after about two weeks, it is therefore absolutely necessary to consult a doctor.

Symptoms in the final stages of tongue cancer

Tongue cancer can grow very quickly and then becomes noticeable through the typical symptoms of tongue cancer. It causes the death of tissue and the subsequent bad breath, bleeding, clogged speech and severe pain, which is intensified when swallowing. In addition to the local symptoms, there are systemic symptoms at a very advanced stage.

The metabolism of the tumor puts a great deal of strain on the body and weight loss occurs. In addition, the body is weakened by the pain-related reduced food intake. The patient becomes increasingly weaker.

In very late stages, i.e. when the tumor is very large, breathing can be impaired. Complaints such as cold sweat or fever of unclear cause can indicate cancer, but do not necessarily have to occur. If the treatment is only started in these very advanced stages, the prognosis is much worse, making it all the more important to closely observe changes on the tongue and in the entire oral cavity and to consult a doctor at an early stage.