Symptoms of tendonitis at the hip | Tendinitis at the hip

Symptoms of tendonitis at the hip

Inflammation of the hip tendon usually manifests itself with a typical symptom. At the beginning, affected persons complain of slight pain in the hip, which increases in intensity over time. The pain is described as stabbing and burning.

The pain is located on the outside of the hip, in the area of the palpable bony prominence “Trochanter major”. There, a typical pressure pain can be provoked. The pain is also initially a purely load-dependent pain.

It can be so severe that movement is restricted and force is reduced. The pain tends to develop more slowly or with a delay of about 24 hours rather than immediately after exertion. In a chronic stage, crunching noises can occur during movement due to calcium deposits in the hip.

Typically, tendonitis of the hip also affects the surrounding bursae. The pressure of the tractus iliotibialis on the tendons and their mechanical friction on the greater trochanter are actually absorbed by bursae. Under strong or prolonged strain, the bursae (Latin: bursa) lose their buffer function and suffer damage themselves.

The trochanteric bursa is most frequently affected, since it is the closest to the site where the tendons have their attachment. If this becomes inflamed, it is therefore referred to as “bursitis trochanterica”. Ultimately, an inflammation of the tendon in the hip can be followed by a rupture of the tendon.

The reasons can be particularly serious and long-lasting inflammation of the tendon, but also the lack of any necessary therapeutic treatment.

  • Redness,
  • Swelling
  • And to call overheating.

The hip is a very stressed joint and requires a large number of muscles for the movements.If overloading the muscles leads to tendon inflammation, this can cause pain in the thigh. The location and type of pain depends on the muscles affected.

The pain occurs mainly during movements that place a lot of strain on the muscles. Often the adductor muscles on the inner side of the thigh are affected, causing pain on the inner side and when spreading the legs. Pain when climbing stairs or squatting down are also typical for tendonitis in the hip.