Tapes – Bandages | Exercises for an injury to the inner and outer ligaments

Tapes – Bandages

Tape algae and bandages are often used for ligament injuries and instabilities in the knee joint. A distinction is made between stabilizing classic tape and kinesiotape, which hardly restricts the mobility of the taped joint. Classical tape can immobilize the joint and serve as a splint.

Kinesiotape can have different functions. There are lymphatic systems that promote the drainage of tissue fluid, which accumulates when injuries occur and can hinder healing. Pain point tapes, which are stuck to certain pain points to relax them, or tapes to directly influence the tendon by lifting the connective tissue or irritating mechanoreceptors, are applied measures. A tape can support the healing process and provide stability, but it is not the only therapeutic tool. It can only complement physiotherapy and, if necessary, medical interventions.

How long break?

The break was based on the injury. In the case of ligament injuries in the knee joint, for example, a stretched ligament must be distinguished from a torn ligament. An exact statement about break times is only possible after a diagnosis and findings.

As a rule, one assumes 5 days of acute inflammatory phase, during which immobilization or gentle painless movement is induced. This is followed by a further 10 days in which the tissue begins to heal but still has little ability to bear weight. After approx.

3 weeks, slow recovery training can be started. However, this information is not necessarily applicable to the individual healing process of each person. The general state of health, training condition, age and also the psychological condition play a role in the healing process.

The early but also correctly set giving of physiological stimuli to the injured structures enables an optimal regeneration. The training can be gradually increased. Depending on the patient’s objective (sportsman, professional etc.)

the training can be adapted. After surgical interventions, e.g. if accompanying injuries exist, the length of the break is determined by the doctor. This article might also be of interest to you: Torn knee or torn knee ligament – Treatment and important information