Strengthening of the back musculature


There are different ways to strengthen the back and back muscles. On the one hand you can do specific exercises to get a stronger back. On the other hand, various sports are also suitable to make the back muscles stronger. Almost everywhere (whether in the office, in front of the television or outdoors) you can do something for your back.

Sports for strengthening the back muscles

Among the sports that are good for the back is cycling. It is one of those endurance sports that strengthen the back and at the same time are easy on the joints. However, you should have made the right adjustments to the saddle and handlebars and have good suspension.

You can also do your back some good when canoeing. The regular flowing paddle movements train your arms, shoulders and back. In addition, coordination is trained and stress reduction, which can be partly responsible for back pain, takes place.

Swimming is another sport that helps to strengthen the back. However, not everyone is aware that not all swimming styles are equally healthy. Only the back position and the crawl style are healthy for the back and strengthen it at the same time.

Meanwhile it is advised against breaststroke and dolphin swimming more and more often, because a hollow back is formed and the spine is overstretched. The spirits are divided when Nordic Walking. However, this sport has a strengthening effect on the back when the poles are used correctly, and you can build up your condition in the process.

Yoga is becoming more and more popular, as it has a calming effect on the body and the psyche and at the same time you can strengthen your body. The back is also strengthened. Yoga even has such a positive effect on the back muscles that back pain can be effectively combated.

Pilates is another sport that can strengthen the back and relax through the stretching exercises. However, this sport should not be performed by patients with herniated discs or other damage to the spine. Cross-country skiing is an outdoor sport that improves endurance and leads to a stronger and healthier back.

One sport that can be done anywhere and at any time is jogging. It is a sport that can be done anytime and anywhere, and involves moving in the fresh air, clearing your head, training your endurance and strengthening your back. In principle, anyone can go jogging, but it is better to stop jogging at a certain weight.

If you are too overweight, the joints are put under too much strain when jogging. It is also recommended to run on soft surfaces (forest or field paths) to support the natural cushioning of the foot arches. Riding is perceived as a very natural sport, as one moves on the horse in free nature and develops a beautiful feeling of freedom.

For the back and also the rest of the body, active riding in an upright position is good muscle training. If done incorrectly, the intervertebral discs can suffer and the positive effect of riding is lost. Aerobic training can also contribute to a healthy and strong back.

However, this does not apply to all types of aerobics. If the aerobic program contains jumps, it should not be used in patients with back pain. In these cases, low-impact aerobics should be used and jumps should be avoided.

In addition to aerobics, other health and preventive measures, such as spinal gymnastics, are also suitable for developing a healthy and strong back. The gentle exercises of spinal gymnastics gently strengthen the muscles and strengthen the back. Dancing can also contribute to a strong back and on top of that has a high fun factor, is very sociable and anyone can learn it.

Dancing trains the whole body, but because of the upright posture, especially the abdominal and back muscles benefit from dancing and are trained effectively. For the summer, rollerblading or inline skating is just as suitable as skiing in the winter to get a strong back. The fun factor is high and one moves outside in the free nature. Apart from the uplifting effect on the back, rollerblading also has a positive effect on endurance.