The duration | The conjunctival cyst

The duration

The conjunctival cyst can remain there for different lengths of time, depending on how disturbing it is in the affected person’s eye. If there is no relevant limitation of vision or eye movement, the cyst can be left as it is. Sometimes the cyst will regress on its own, sometimes it will remain there for life.

If the cyst is perceived as disturbing, a puncture and emptying of the cyst is performed first. Then the structure can regress completely. Often, however, it reappears after a few weeks. In such cases, permanent removal can usually be achieved by surgical or laser procedures.

When do you need surgery?

Surgery of the conjunctival cyst is usually attempted if the cyst is located at an unfavorable site on the eye. This is usually the case if it prevents eye movement or is located in the area of the pupil, thus leading to impaired vision. If an initial therapy by draining the fluid is not successful, surgical procedures can be used. The cyst or excess conjunctival tissue can be removed by laser, cold or with the smallest instruments.