Play Therapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks

For a child, play represents a crucial role in its development. Through games, it is challenged and encouraged, which is why play therapy has been used and developed as a healing approach for various disorders since 1920. Depending on the type of therapy, specific areas are addressed. What is play therapy? Play therapy is a … Play Therapy: Treatment, Effect & Risks


Stillbirths are unfortunately not a rarity. Again and again, medical professionals have to explain to expectant parents not to hear a heartbeat of the child. A situation that is incredibly difficult to process and cope with. How is stillbirth defined? If it is determined after the 22nd week of pregnancy that the child no longer … Stillbirth

Cardiomegaly: Causes, Treatment & Help

Cardiomegaly, the pathological enlargement of the heart muscle, is a serious disease that usually occurs as a result of an underlying disease and must also be treated accordingly. There are a variety of diseases in the course of which cardiomegaly occurs. What is cardiomegaly? Cardiomegaly, the pathological enlargement of the heart muscle, is a serious … Cardiomegaly: Causes, Treatment & Help


Products Cinnamon is commercially available, among other things, as a spice, as a medicinal drug, tea and in the form of capsules as a dietary supplement. It is found in remedies for digestion such as Carmol, Klosterfrau Melissengeist and in Zeller Balsam. Cinnamon is also a component of traditional pharmaceutical preparations such as aromatic tincture … Cinnamon

Field Manure: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Field man’s bedstraw has its firm place in herbal medicine and has for centuries. However, how the thorny herb got its official name “field man’s litter” has not been passed down with certainty – theories about it exist a few. Occurrence and cultivation of field man’s bedstraw The distribution area of field man’s litter stretches … Field Manure: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits


Products Dihydropyridines are commercially available in many countries in the form of film-coated tablets, sustained-release tablets, capsules, and injectables. Nifedipine from Bayer (Adalat) was the first active ingredient from this group to enter the market in the mid-1970s. Today, amlodipine (Norvasc, generics) is most commonly prescribed. Structure and properties The name 1,4-dihydropyridines is derived from … Dihydropyridine


Products Rivaroxaban is commercially available in the form of film-coated tablets (Xarelto, Xarelto vascular). It was approved in 2008 as the first agent in the direct factor Xa inhibitor group. Low-dose Xarelto vascular, 2.5 mg, was registered in many countries in 2019. Structure and properties Rivaroxaban (C19H18ClN3O5S, Mr = 435.9 g/mol) is a pure -enantiomer … Rivaroxaban