Rectus diastasis exercises

Rectus diastasis is particularly common in women who have had several pregnancies, as the abdominal muscles are repeatedly stretched. Even severe overweight can stretch the abdominal muscles up to rectus diastasis. In most cases, rectus diastasis can be well treated by targeted training of the abdominal muscles. Surgical interventions are rare. You may also be … Rectus diastasis exercises

Rectus diastasis after pregnancy | Rectus diastasis exercises

Rectus diastasis after pregnancy During pregnancy the abdominal muscles are stretched over 9 months to allow room for the growing child. The abdominal muscles become weaker. After delivery, the abdominal muscles do not immediately return to their original position and an existing rectus diastasis occurs. Normally, the rectus diastasis recedes on its own during the … Rectus diastasis after pregnancy | Rectus diastasis exercises

Barium Sulfate: Effect, Uses & Risks

Barium sulfate is a poorly soluble to insoluble sulfate salt derived from the alkaline earth metal barium. In natural stocks, it occurs as barite. As a powder, barium sulfate glows white in color. It is used as a filler in plastics for the production of paints and medically as an X-ray positive contrast agent. What … Barium Sulfate: Effect, Uses & Risks

Abdominal Skin Reflex: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

By the abdominal skin reflex, neurologists mean an extraneous reflex that causes the abdominal muscles to contract when the abdominal skin is brushed. The polysynaptic reflex is wired through the spinal cord, and its absence may indicate pyramidal damage. Multiple sclerosis is a possible cause of such a lesion. What is the abdominal skin reflex? … Abdominal Skin Reflex: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Hernia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A hernia is an opening in the abdominal wall, which may contain soft tissue, fatty tissue or parts of the internal organs. Treatment is essential, although hernias rarely result in serious consequences. What characterizes a hernia? A hernia, also called a soft tissue hernia or abdominal wall hernia, are openings in the abdominal wall. Through … Hernia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Enterostoma: Treatment, Effect & Risks

An enterostomy is an artificial intestinal outlet on the abdominal wall for temporary or permanent evacuation of intestinal contents, as may be required for colorectal cancer patients, patients with inflammatory diseases such as Crohn’s disease, or patients with intestinal sutures. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia and, in addition to the typical anesthetic … Enterostoma: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Medical Plastic: Applications & Health Benefits

Medical plastic is bioresistant and biocompatible plastic. Today, plastic is used in prosthetics as well as in device manufacturing or surgery. The individual types range from tartaric acid polymers to silicone resins. What is medical grade plastic? The term medical plastic mainly aims at biocompatibility as a property. Today, medical plastics come in different varieties. … Medical Plastic: Applications & Health Benefits

Bariatric Surgery: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Bariatric surgery is a subspecialty of visceral surgery and includes all recognized measures to combat morbid obesity, which include gastric banding, as well as the tubular stomach, gastric bypass and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch. The prerequisite for obesity surgery is, in addition to a body mass index above 40, above all the unsuccessful exhaustion … Bariatric Surgery: Treatment, Effect & Risks