What is the risk of tearing an Achilles tendon? | How do you treat an Achilles tendon irritation?

What is the risk of tearing an Achilles tendon? The risk of an Achilles tendon rupture is increased if the Achilles tendon is irritated. In order not to further worsen the condition of the Achilles tendon, a strain on the affected leg should therefore be avoided. In general, however, even with an irritation of the … What is the risk of tearing an Achilles tendon? | How do you treat an Achilles tendon irritation?

Achillodynia treatment

Achillodynia is a chronic change of the Achilles tendon. This is the attachment tendon of our calf muscles and is inserted in our heel bone. Long-term incorrect loading leads to inflammation of the tendon. The disease occurs particularly frequently among athletes. In almost half of the cases, the Achilles tendon is affected on both sides. … Achillodynia treatment