Therapy | Pain in the foot

Therapy The therapy of foot pain depends on the cause of the pain. Acute pain events in the context of an accident often do not require therapy, but disappear by themselves. Often a short immobilization of the foot is sufficient until the pain subsides. In some cases, bandages, ointment bandages, a plaster splint or cast … Therapy | Pain in the foot

What is the risk of tearing an Achilles tendon? | How do you treat an Achilles tendon irritation?

What is the risk of tearing an Achilles tendon? The risk of an Achilles tendon rupture is increased if the Achilles tendon is irritated. In order not to further worsen the condition of the Achilles tendon, a strain on the affected leg should therefore be avoided. In general, however, even with an irritation of the … What is the risk of tearing an Achilles tendon? | How do you treat an Achilles tendon irritation?

Duration of Achilles tendon irritation | How do you treat an Achilles tendon irritation?

Duration of Achilles tendon irritation An acute irritation of the Achilles tendon usually lasts for about two to three weeks. After that, a cautious build-up training can be started. In most cases, the symptoms disappear after about four to six weeks, so that sporting activity can be resumed. However, it is not uncommon for the … Duration of Achilles tendon irritation | How do you treat an Achilles tendon irritation?

The causes of Achilles tendon irritation | How do you treat an Achilles tendon irritation?

The causes of Achilles tendon irritation The causes of Achilles tendon irritation are manifold. As a rule, however, the trigger is usually associated with overuse of the Achilles tendon. For example, people who do a lot of standing or heavy physical work are more prone to Achilles tendon irritation because they use their Achilles tendons … The causes of Achilles tendon irritation | How do you treat an Achilles tendon irritation?

Rehabilitation after an Achilles tendon rupture

The treatment of an Achilles tendon rupture is followed by a lengthy rehabilitation phase. This is independent of whether a conservative treatment method or a surgical procedure was chosen. First the leg must be immobilised. Usually for about 6 weeks in a special shoe and at an angle by putting the foot in a pointed … Rehabilitation after an Achilles tendon rupture

Therapy after an operation | Therapy of the Achilles tendon rupture

Therapy after an operation After surgery for a torn Achilles tendon, the foot is first fixed in place with a plaster splint in the so-called “pointed foot position” for several days. This position describes the maximum flexion of the foot in the ankle joint, so that the toes point down and the heel points up. … Therapy after an operation | Therapy of the Achilles tendon rupture

Achillodynia Physiotherapy

Achillodynia is a painful disorder of the Achilles tendon that mostly affects athletes. It does not occur acutely but is caused by years of incorrect and excessive strain. During and especially after exertion, the affected persons then feel sometimes severe pain in the Achilles tendon and lower leg and react sensitively to pressure in the … Achillodynia Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for chronic achillodynia | Achillodynia Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy for chronic achillodynia If a patient develops chronic Achillodynia, this means that the Achilles tendon is permanently inflamed. This means that it is sensitive to touch, red, swollen and often there is pain at rest.The resilience of the foot is extremely reduced and sport is only possible to a limited extent. Some sufferers experience … Physiotherapy for chronic achillodynia | Achillodynia Physiotherapy