Shoulder joint instability

Introduction Instabilities occur primarily in the shoulder joint, which can be explained by the anatomy of the shoulder joint. The relatively large head of humerus contrasts with a much smaller glenoid cavity, whose joint surface is only about one third of that of the head of humerus. This anatomical structure of the glenohumeral joint allows … Shoulder joint instability

Pain in the shoulder

Synonyms in a broader sense Shoulder Pain Impingement Syndrome Tendinosis calcarea Torn rotator cuff Biceps tendon endinitis AC joint arthrosis Shoulder arthrosis (omarthrosis) Supraspinatus tendon syndrome Introduction The majority of people experience shoulder pain at some point in their lives. This may be caused by an injury, but it can also develop within the context … Pain in the shoulder

Shoulder Luxation | Pain in the shoulder

Shoulder Luxation Shoulder dislocation is a dislocation of the shoulder joint. The head of the humerus no longer sits in the glenoid cavity, but has slipped out. In shoulder dislocation, one can distinguish between traumatic and habitual forms. Traumatic shoulder dislocation is caused by direct force (usually on the outstretched arm), which causes the humerus … Shoulder Luxation | Pain in the shoulder

Bursitis of the shoulder (bursitis subacromialis) | Pain in the shoulder

Bursitis of the shoulder (bursitis subacromialis) Pain in the shoulder can also be caused by the inflammation of bursae located there. This can occur, for example, due to overloading during sporting activities or due to bacterial colonization. Symptoms: Movements in the shoulder are very painful in case of bursitis. Often the joint area is additionally … Bursitis of the shoulder (bursitis subacromialis) | Pain in the shoulder

Shoulder Girdle

Synonyms Shoulder, acromioclavicular joint, AC – joint, sternum, clavicle, acromion, coracoid, acromion, coracoid, sternoclavicular joint, ACG, clavicle fracture, clavicle fracture, acromioclavicular dislocation Anatomy of the shoulder girdle In the shoulder girdle, a distinction is made between the sternoclavicular joint (sternoclavicular joint) and the acromioclavicular joint (acromioclavicular joint = AC joint = ACG) on both sides. … Shoulder Girdle