Biologics | Medicines for Crohn’s disease

Biologics Biologics (also known as biologicals or biopharmaceuticals) are drugs that are very similar or similar to the body’s own proteins. In the case of Crohn’s disease, for example, antibodies are used that attack very specific cells or even just molecules of the body and thus fight inflammation. Adalimumab and Infliximab, both of which are … Biologics | Medicines for Crohn’s disease


Products Biosimilars are copycat preparations of biotechnology-derived drugs (biologics) that have strong similarities to the originator drugs but that are not exactly the same. The similarity relates to biological activity, structure, function, purity and safety, among other things. Biosimilars differ from generics of small molecule drugs in important ways. Biosimilars are usually marketed as injection … Biosimilars

Crohn’s Disease Causes and Treatment

Symptoms Crohn’s disease manifests as inflammation that occurs primarily in the lower portion of the small intestine and in the colon. The typical course is chronically recurrent, meaning periods of quiescence are interrupted by episodes of disease. Common symptoms include: Abdominal pain (more likely on the right side) Nausea, vomiting Diarrhea, constipation Flatulence Fever Weight … Crohn’s Disease Causes and Treatment


Introduction Humira is the trade name for the biological Adalimumab, which is used for the treatment of for example rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, psoriasis and chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases. It is injected under the abdominal skin every two weeks. Remarkable is beside its various application also its price: One application costs approx. 1000€. … Humira

Interactions | Humira

Interactions Humira is often used in combination with cortisone, with methotrexate, which is also an immune-inhibiting drug, or in combination with other specified drugs with similar effects. An exception are the active substances Etanacept, Abatacept and Anakinra, among which in combination with Humira among other things heavy infections and increased side effects could be proven. … Interactions | Humira


Introduction Adalimumab is a drug, which belongs to the class of biologicals and can be used especially for autoimmune diseases. In these diseases our natural defence system overreacts and attacks the body’s own cells. Thus, Adalimumab can help patients suffering from psoriasis, rheumatism or chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases. In the following you can learn more … Adalimumab

Active substance/effect of Adalimumab | Adalimumab

Active substance/effect of Adalimumab Adalimumab belongs to the so-called biologicals, a group of still relatively new drugs, which have a regulatory influence on our body’s immune system. Strictly speaking, Adalimumab belongs to the so-called tumour necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors, which are generally used for chronic inflammatory, systemic – i.e. affecting the whole body – diseases where … Active substance/effect of Adalimumab | Adalimumab

These are the interactions of Adalimumab | Adalimumab

These are the interactions of Adalimumab Almost no interactions are known for adalimumab. Especially drugs like anticoagulants (e.g. Marcumar), which often lead to interactions, are well tolerated with Adalimumab. Some studies have shown that the combination of adalimumab with other biologicals or antirheumatic drugs can weaken the effect of adalimumab or can greatly increase the … These are the interactions of Adalimumab | Adalimumab