Alcohol Withdrawal and Withdrawal Symptoms

Brief overview Outpatient or inpatient: Prerequisites for outpatient therapy include social integration, ability to abstain, absence of other mental and physical illnesses. Withdrawal symptoms: Sweating, trembling hands, increase in blood pressure, temperature, headaches, sleep disturbances, anxiety, restlessness, depressiveness, concentration disorders. Forms of withdrawal: cold turkey (without drug support), warm withdrawal (drug support), gradual withdrawal (slow … Alcohol Withdrawal and Withdrawal Symptoms


Products Clomethiazole is commercially available in capsule form and as a mixture (Distraneurin, UK: Heminevrin). It was developed at Roche in the 1930s. Structure and properties Clomethiazole (C6H8ClNS, Mr = 161.65 g/mol) is a chlorinated and methylated thiazole derivative. The compound is related to the thiazole moiety of vitamin B1 (thiamine). Effects Clomethiazole (ATC N05CM02) … Clomethiazole

Hands tremble

Introduction A trembling of the hands occurs in many people in different forms. The trembling of the hands can have many causes. Some causes are harmless, others are based on serious diseases. The fact that our muscles tremble is basically a completely normal process of the body, which among other things ensures that our muscles … Hands tremble

Symptoms | Hands tremble

Symptoms The tremor is known in technical terms as tremor. A characteristic feature of tremor is that it occurs rhythmically and opposing muscle groups contract alternately. There are different types of tremor depending on when the tremor occurs. A tremor at rest, without any movement being performed, is called a rest tremor. This occurs in … Symptoms | Hands tremble

Drug withdrawal

Definition Drug withdrawal is a therapy designed to help addicted people to stop using drugs and to remain permanently abstinent. The basis is the weaning of the addictive substance. It begins with physical detoxification. This can be done with or without drug support (warm or cold withdrawal). Depending on the severity of the addiction, this … Drug withdrawal

What is the process of drug withdrawal? | Drug withdrawal

What is the process of drug withdrawal? Withdrawal consists of a physical detoxification and a subsequent weaning therapy. The detox is usually done on an outpatient basis (at home, accompanied by fixed doctor’s appointments) or as an inpatient (hospital, rehab clinic). During this time, the person affected receives close monitoring by doctors and psychotherapists as … What is the process of drug withdrawal? | Drug withdrawal

Are there any special features of alcohol withdrawal? | Drug withdrawal

Are there any special features of alcohol withdrawal? Alcohol withdrawal is associated with particular difficulties. Frequently, abrupt detoxification leads to the so-called alcohol withdrawal delirium. This means the occurrence of various severe withdrawal symptoms. Typical symptoms are clouding of consciousness, hallucinations and circulatory problems. Medical attention is urgently required. If necessary, the circulation should be … Are there any special features of alcohol withdrawal? | Drug withdrawal