Calculate Body Fat Percentage

Body fat percentage can be measured or calculated by a wide variety of methods. However, not all methods are equally accurate. The most accurate method is considered to be hydrostatic weighing, in which the body weight is measured under water and the amount of water displaced is also noted. However, since this method is very … Calculate Body Fat Percentage

Biorhythm and Drugs

The bad news: biorhythm calculations are about as informative as coffee grounds. The good: biological rhythm exists. Over the course of its evolution, humans developed an internal clock that, seen over the span of a day, adjusted to the change between light and dark. Our internal clock Over thousands of years, the day-night rhythm set … Biorhythm and Drugs

Adnexitis: Diagnosis and Complications

Possible symptoms range from severe abdominal pain with fever in acute infection to mild, recurrent pulling and cycle disturbances in chronic courses. Acute adnexitis can mimic appendicitis, and ectopic pregnancy must also be ruled out. Typical complaints, which, however, do not always and not all occur together, are in detail: Acute adnexitis: most common are … Adnexitis: Diagnosis and Complications

Adnexitis: Therapy and Prevention

Hospital admission is usually required, and in any case strict bed rest. The focus is the administration of an antibiotic that acts simultaneously against a whole range of germs and in many cases is initially administered as an infusion. In addition, painkillers are used, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Ice packs wrapped with a … Adnexitis: Therapy and Prevention