Heel bone fracture

Introduction A calcaneal fracture is a fracture of the calcaneus, i.e. part of the ankle joint. Such fractures are usually caused by traffic accidents or a fall from a great height. The resulting fracture usually causes patients great pain. Depending on the type of injury, a calcaneal fracture can be treated either conservatively (i.e. without … Heel bone fracture

Fracture of the calcaneum, late sequelae | Heel bone fracture

Fracture of the calcaneum, late sequelae The late consequences of a calcaneal fracture should not be underestimated and unfortunately, in comparison to other fractures, are quite common in such a complicated fracture. If a patient decides to undergo surgical therapy, he or she must expect the usual late consequences of surgery. On the one hand, … Fracture of the calcaneum, late sequelae | Heel bone fracture

Outer ankle fracture

Fibular fracture, malleolar fracture, bimalleolar fracture, trimalleolar fracture, Weber fractures, fracture of the fibula, fracture of the external ankle, Definition Ankle fractures such as the outer ankle fracture are fractures of the ankle joint fork with varying degrees of pronounced fracture. Both the inner and the outer ankle can be affected. With 10% of fractures, … Outer ankle fracture

Non-surgical treatment | Outer ankle fracture

Non-surgical treatment A non-operative or even conservative therapy of an external ankle fracture (ankle fracture) is a good alternative compared to a surgical intervention, which of course involves the general risks of surgery. A prerequisite for the non-operative therapy of an external ankle fracture is that the fracture is uncomplicated and stable. A bone fracture … Non-surgical treatment | Outer ankle fracture