Transcortin: Function & Diseases

Transcortin belongs to the group of globulins. They serve to transport various components such as hormones fromm the site of production to the site of action. Transcortin carries glucocorticoids and progesterone through the blood. What is transcortin? Transcortin is a globulin. These are also called storage or transport proteins of blood plasma. Globulins are divided … Transcortin: Function & Diseases

Cerebrospinal Fluid Testing: Treatment, Effects & Risks

During a cerebrospinal fluid examination, nerve fluid is removed from the spinal canal, usually by means of a lumbar puncture, and then examined. Analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid provides valuable diagnostic information compared with blood levels. What is a cerebrospinal fluid examination? During a cerebrospinal fluid examination, nerve fluid is removed from the spinal canal, … Cerebrospinal Fluid Testing: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Vaccination against cystitis

Definition – What is a vaccination against cystitis? A vaccination against cystitis is an immunisation against certain bacteria, which most often cause urinary tract infections. It is directed against intestinal bacteria, more precisely against strains of the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli). The vaccination contains structures of this pathogen that stimulate the immune system to … Vaccination against cystitis

Duration and forecast | Vaccination against cystitis

Duration and forecast The vaccination against cystitis contains attenuated pathogens that most frequently cause urinary tract infections. However, this does not cover all pathogens that can potentially lead to cystitis. So cystitis can still occur, but the probability can be reduced by immunisation. A single vaccination is usually not sufficient to induce immunity. First of … Duration and forecast | Vaccination against cystitis

Anatomy and development of lymphocytes | Lymphocytes – You should definitely know this!

Anatomy and development of lymphocytes Lymphocytes are with 6-12 μm very size-variable and are particularly noticeable by the large dark cell nucleus, which fills almost the entire cell. The rest of the cell can be recognized as a thin cytoplasmic fringe, which contains only a few mitochondria for energy production and ribosomes for the production … Anatomy and development of lymphocytes | Lymphocytes – You should definitely know this!

B-Lymphocytes | Lymphocytes – You should definitely know this!

B-Lymphocytes The majority of mature B cells develop into plasma cells upon activation, whose task is to produce antibodies against foreign substances. Antibodies are Y-shaped proteins that can bind to very specific structures, so-called antigens. These are mostly proteins, but often also sugars (carbohydrates) or lipids (fatty molecules). The antibodies are also called immunoglobulins and … B-Lymphocytes | Lymphocytes – You should definitely know this!

Natural killer cells | Lymphocytes – You should definitely know this!

Natural killer cells Natural killer cells or NK cells fulfill a similar role as the T-killer cells, but unlike the other lymphocytes, they do not belong to the adaptive but to the innate immune system. This means they are permanently functional without having to be activated beforehand. However, their reaction is difficult to regulate. Nevertheless, … Natural killer cells | Lymphocytes – You should definitely know this!

What can be the cause if the lymphocytes are reduced? | Lymphocytes – You should definitely know this!

What can be the cause if the lymphocytes are reduced? Lymphocytopenia often occurs as a result of therapy and is not considered pathological in this context: this is particularly common in treatment with corticoids, especially cortisone, and in the administration of antilymphocyte globulin. Both are used specifically to suppress inflammatory reactions. Other forms of therapy … What can be the cause if the lymphocytes are reduced? | Lymphocytes – You should definitely know this!

Life span of lymphocytes | Lymphocytes – You should definitely know this!

Life span of lymphocytes The lifespan of lymphocytes can vary greatly due to their different tasks: lymphocytes that never came into contact with antigens (foreign body structures) die after only a few days, while activated lymphocytes, e.g. plasma cells, can survive for about 4 weeks. The longest survival is achieved by memory cells, which can … Life span of lymphocytes | Lymphocytes – You should definitely know this!

Lymphocyte Typing | Lymphocytes – You should definitely know this!

Lymphocyte Typing Lymphocyte typing, also called immune status or immunophenotyping, is a procedure that studies the formation of different surface proteins, mostly so-called CD markers (cluster of differentiation). Since these proteins differ in the different lymphocyte types, a so-called expression pattern of the surface proteins can be created by using artificially produced, color-marked antibodies. This … Lymphocyte Typing | Lymphocytes – You should definitely know this!

What are B lymphocytes?

Definition – What are B lymphocytes? B lymphocytes are a specialized type of immune cells, also known as leukocytes. Lymphocytes (B and T lymphocytes) are part of the specific defence of the immune system. This means that during an infection they always specialise in a particular pathogen and fight it in a targeted manner. In … What are B lymphocytes?