
Products Canakinumab is commercially available as a powder for solution for injection (Ilaris). It has been approved in many countries since 2009. Structure and properties Canakinumab is a recombinant human IgG1κ monoclonal antibody produced by biotechnological methods. Effects Canakinumab (ATC L04AC08) has anti-inflammatory properties. The effects are based on binding to interleukin-1β (IL-1β). This reduces … Canakinumab


Products Panitumumab is commercially available as an infusion solution (Vectibix). It has been approved in many countries since 2008. Structure and properties Panitumumab is a recombinant, fully human IgG2 monoclonal antibody against EGFR. Effects Panitumumab (ATC L01XC08) has antitumor and antiangiogenic properties. The effects are due to binding to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). … Panitumumab

Dihomogammalinolenic Acid: Function & Diseases

Dihomogammalinolenic acid is a polyunsaturated fatty acid that plays a major role in the regulation of inflammatory processes. It is also an important component of our cell membranes. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential nutritional components. They are found only in plants in larger quantities. What is dihomogammalinolenic acid? Fats are the third major dietary component, … Dihomogammalinolenic Acid: Function & Diseases

C-reactive Protein: Function & Diseases

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a component of the immune system and mediates nonspecific immune responses. It can serve as a marker for inflammatory processes in the organism, although the focus of inflammation cannot be specified or localized. CRP belongs to the so-called acute-phase proteins. What is a C-reactive protein? C-reactive protein always occurs in elevated … C-reactive Protein: Function & Diseases

Gluten intolerance

Definition Gluten intolerance is a disease with many different names: Celiac disease is the most common name in the medical field. But the disease can also be called native sprue or gluten-sensitive enteropathy. Causes Diagnostics First of all, the anamnesis plays an important role on the way to finding a diagnosis. The attending physician will … Gluten intolerance

What are the signs of gluten intolerance? | Gluten intolerance

What are the signs of gluten intolerance? Gluten intolerance is often discovered in childhood, when people start feeding cereal products. It leads to diarrhea and not infrequently to fatty stools, i.e. foul-smelling, shiny and voluminous stools, which occur as part of the fat digestion disorder. The affected children often have little appetite. This leads to … What are the signs of gluten intolerance? | Gluten intolerance

Treatment | Gluten intolerance

Treatment The treatment of gluten intolerance consists primarily of a complete change of diet. Food containing gluten must be strictly avoided. Since gluten is present in most types of grain, such a diet is often not easy to implement at the beginning. A gluten-free diet leads to a slow recovery of the mucous membrane of … Treatment | Gluten intolerance

Which beer can I drink if I am gluten intolerant? | Gluten intolerance

Which beer can I drink if I am gluten intolerant? There are special gluten-free beers that can be drunk if you have a known coeliac condition. There are gluten-free beers that are made from gluten-free grains and beers that are made from gluten-containing grains but where the gluten has been largely broken down during the … Which beer can I drink if I am gluten intolerant? | Gluten intolerance

Pneumocystis Pneumonia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Every year, more than 600,000 people in Germany alone contract pneumonia, technically known as pneumonia. This inflammation of the lung tissue can have different causes and is divided into several subcategories. A particularly dangerous form of pneumonia is Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP). What is pneumocystis pneumonia? Pneumocystis pneumonia is an interstitial type of pneumonia. In other … Pneumocystis Pneumonia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Products Tildrakizumab was approved as an injectable in the United States and EU in 2018 and in many countries in 2019 (ilumetri). Structure and properties Tildrakizumab is a humanized IgG1/k monoclonal antibody with an approximate molecular mass of 147 kDa. It is produced by biotechnological methods. Effects Tildrakizumab (ATC L04AC17) has immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties. … Tildrakizumab