Baby skin cancer

Introduction Skin lesions in babies are not uncommon and in very few cases can indicate skin cancer. There are various skin tumors, also called melanomas, which can occur at a young age. These include sarcomas (rhabdosarcoma, angiosarcoma, fibrosarcoma), neuroblastomas and other nerve tumors as well as skin lymphomas. However, only about 0.3 percent of all … Baby skin cancer

Therapy | Baby skin cancer

Therapy The therapy of choice for white skin cancer is surgical removal.A certain safety distance must be maintained, i.e. the doctor removes not only the tumor but also the normal looking skin around the tumor so that no diseased cells remain hidden. In the case of spinalioma, the safety distance is greater than in basal … Therapy | Baby skin cancer

Diagnosis | Baby skin cancer

Diagnosis The diagnosis initially consists of a detailed clarification of risk factors such as frequent exposure to sunlight, previous illnesses, tumors in the family. This is followed by a physical examination, in which not only suspicious skin changes but also the rest of the body is examined, especially in poorly visible areas such as gluteal … Diagnosis | Baby skin cancer

Laser therapy

Definition – What is laser therapy? Laser therapy refers to a medical application in which bundled light rays in the form of a laser are shot at a lesion on the body. It is often used on the eyes and skin, for example to remove moles or scars. There are different types of laser treatment, … Laser therapy

Preparation | Laser therapy

Preparation Before each treatment, patients must be informed in detail by the treating physician about the upcoming treatment. All possible risks must be explained and weighed up. The decision for laser therapy must be made individually for each patient, because it depends on the type of treatment and the patient himself. As a rule, it … Preparation | Laser therapy

Duration | Laser therapy

Duration The duration depends on the type of treatment and the underlying disease. The removal of individual moles or scars usually takes a few minutes. If hair is to be removed over a larger area during laser treatment, this may take longer. However, often it is not done with a single treatment, but requires several … Duration | Laser therapy


Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: nevus Liver spot Spindernävus Melon Skin changes Definition birthmark A nevus (birthmark) is a benign skin change. Usually this is well described. This malformation of the skin can have different causes. With these nevi (plural of nevus) one can determine different origins. Some of these spot-like phenomena originate from … Birthmark

Birthmark hurts | Birthmark

Birthmark hurts A birthmark normally causes no pain. If pain or itching occurs, a malignant degeneration should be clarified according to the A-B-C-D-E rule (asymmetry, limitation, colorization, diameter and development). In addition to pain, itching, bleeding, scaling, or tingling may also be symptomatic and should be examined by a dermatologist. Although melanoma is not necessarily … Birthmark hurts | Birthmark

Prophylaxis | Birthmark

Prophylaxis Since an intensive UV irradiation promotes the degeneration of harmless birthmarks, it should be avoided to stay excessively long and often in the sun. Especially sunburns suffered in childhood promote and increase the risk of developing a malignant melanoma. Moles should be observed in any case. Not only color and structural changes but also … Prophylaxis | Birthmark