The paraplegic syndrome

Definition A paraplegic syndrome or paraplegia (med. paraplegia, transverse syndrome) is understood to be damage to the spinal cord and the resulting symptoms. A distinction is made between a complete paraplegic syndrome, in which the spinal cord is completely severed, and an incomplete paraplegic syndrome, in which the spinal cord is only partially damaged. The … The paraplegic syndrome

When does one need surgery for a herniated disc?

Introduction In up to ninety percent of all patients with a herniated disc, purely conservative treatment is sufficient. In some patients the symptoms disappear completely after a few weeks. There are different constellations of findings, under which an operation is possible. If the conservative treatment fails, surgery is considered. In the presence of paralysis and … When does one need surgery for a herniated disc?

When can a herniated disc be operated on? | When does one need surgery for a herniated disc?

When can a herniated disc be operated on? A “you can, but you don’t have to operate” situation is usually present in patients with herniated discs when there are no neurological deficits. This refers to patients who have no paralysis of body parts or organs such as the bladder or rectum. If the patients suffer … When can a herniated disc be operated on? | When does one need surgery for a herniated disc?