Encephalitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In encephalitis, or inflammation of the brain, the brain becomes inflamed due to bacteria, viruses, fungi, or other pathogens. Depending on the cause and severity, paralysis, loss of consciousness, and hallucinations may occur. In most cases, rapid intensive medical treatment for encephalitis is necessary. What is encephalitis? Schematic diagram showing the anatomy and structure of … Encephalitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cerebral Palsy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cerebral pressure elevation can be life-threatening and requires urgent medical intervention in severe cases. Causes of the syndrome may include skull injury and chronic or acute illness. Without treatment, there is a risk of permanent brain damage from intracranial pressure elevation. What is intracranial pressure elevation? An intracranial pressure elevation means an increase in the … Cerebral Palsy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Autologous serum eye drops

English: autologous eyedrops Synonyms Eye drops from own blood Definition The so-called autologous serum eye drops are eye drops that are obtained from the patient’s own blood. This type of treatment is used for a wide variety of diseases affecting the cornea of the eye. They can be used for dry eyes (sicca syndrome), corneal … Autologous serum eye drops


Ophthalmic optics/optometrist Opticians receive their customers in the sales room and identify customer wishes and needs which they can address. Vision tests are also part of their job, which enables them to determine the type and degree of defective vision. Opticians advise customers on the choice of frames and lenses, which they then grind and … Opticians

Salary Optician | Opticians

Salary Optician 1700 to 2000 Euro (gross) Training year: 280-500 Euro Training year: 332-560 Euro Training year: 435-670 Euro All articles in this series: Opticians Salary Optician

Injuries to the eye

Definition Injuries to the eye can be caused by numerous triggers, such as blows, impacts, stitches, UV rays or corrosive substances and can in principle affect all structures of the eye, including the eyelids, tear organs, cornea, conjunctiva, retina, vitreous body and optic nerve. It is also possible to damage several of these structures at … Injuries to the eye

Therapy | Injuries to the eye

Therapy In the case of eye injuries, it is generally advisable to consult an eye doctor as soon as possible. However, for some injuries to the eye, it is helpful to take measures to prevent the progression of the injury before visiting an ophthalmologist. This is particularly the case if the eye has been burned … Therapy | Injuries to the eye

Symptoms | Injuries to the eye

Symptoms Depending on the cause, eye injuries can present themselves with different symptoms. In most cases a strong reddening of the eye can be seen, which is caused by an irritation of the conjunctiva. The eye may be swollen, have an increased lacrimation and frequent blinking. Often there is also an unpleasant foreign body sensation. … Symptoms | Injuries to the eye

Prognosis | Injuries to the eye

Prognosis Eye injuries are prognostically dependent on their severity. Often, only superficial injuries are present, which either heal on their own or can be treated by an ophthalmologist on an outpatient basis, for example with eye drops. More rarely, there are serious injuries that require surgical treatment and can lead to blindness as a serious … Prognosis | Injuries to the eye