Laxatives for weight loss

Can you lose weight with laxatives? Anyone wondering whether laxatives are suitable for losing weight first needs to know how and where the substances act in the body. What laxatives do in the body Laxatives exert their effect through different mechanisms. For example, some ensure that water is retained inside the intestine instead of being … Laxatives for weight loss

Chronic Constipation

25 percent of the western population suffers from chronic constipation. This widespread disease leads to a considerable impairment of the quality of life and creates a high level of suffering among those affected. The usual recommendations, i.e. more fiber, more exercise and plenty to drink, do not always lead to success, especially for people with … Chronic Constipation

Constipation (Obstipation)

The frequency of bowel movements varies from individual to individual and depends on many factors, including age and diet. Bowel movements three times a day are as normal as once every three days. In child, it varies from several times a day in fully breastfed infant to once a week. In the older child, it … Constipation (Obstipation)