Late effects on the skin | Late effects after irradiation

Late effects on the skin The skin is the organ that is most often damaged during radiation therapy. With the exception of “irradiation from within” (so-called brachytherapy), which is possible in some cancers, the radiation must penetrate the skin and damage can almost never be completely avoided. In addition to the often early skin irritations, … Late effects on the skin | Late effects after irradiation

Late effects after radiation therapy for colorectal cancer | Late effects after irradiation

Late effects after radiation therapy for colorectal cancer In colorectal cancer, irradiation is usually only used if the cancer is rectal. In fact, radiation is often performed before surgery. Late effects of radiation after colorectal cancer are therefore mainly found in the small pelvis. A distinction can be made between damage to the bowel itself … Late effects after radiation therapy for colorectal cancer | Late effects after irradiation

The Betaisodona® Ointment

Introduction – What is Betaisodona® Ointment? Betaisodona® Ointment is an antiseptic (germicidal agent) that is applied to the skin. It contains iodine as the active ingredient in a chemical compound. Betaisodona® Ointment is used to treat injuries or open wounds. The ointment can be purchased without a prescription from the pharmacy and is often part … The Betaisodona® Ointment

Contraindications – When should Betaisodona® Ointment not be given? | The Betaisodona® Ointment

Contraindications – When should Betaisodona® Ointment not be given? There are only a few contraindications for which Betaisodona® Ointment should not be given. It should not be used if there is already hypersensitivity to iodine or other components of the ointment. However, this is usually only known if symptoms such as itching or the formation … Contraindications – When should Betaisodona® Ointment not be given? | The Betaisodona® Ointment

How do I use Betaisodona® ointment correctly? | The Betaisodona® Ointment

How do I use Betaisodona® ointment correctly? Betaisodona® ointment is applied correctly by applying it thinly to the affected skin area. It may be advisable to wear gloves to avoid discolouring the fingers. When applying it, care should be taken to cover the wound or inflamed skin completely and not to leave any areas out. … How do I use Betaisodona® ointment correctly? | The Betaisodona® Ointment

Is the application possible during pregnancy and lactation? | The Betaisodona® Ointment

Is the application possible during pregnancy and lactation? During pregnancy and lactation Betaisodona® Ointment should only be used after consulting a doctor. There is no reliable evidence that its use is safe. On the other hand, this does not mean that Betaisodona® Ointment will affect or harm the child in the womb. The theoretically possible … Is the application possible during pregnancy and lactation? | The Betaisodona® Ointment

Poisoning in children

General information Poisoning (intoxication) is a dangerous emergency situation for children. While it is often not possible to find out which drugs or remedies have been taken in small children who have, for example, reached their parents’ medicine cabinet, alcohol intoxication is the most common emergency situation in larger children and adolescents. Symptoms Poisonings in … Poisoning in children