Hip Exercise 5

Relaxed dog: From the four-footed position, spread the affected leg at a 90° angle to back height. The entire back forms a straight line. Repeat the spreading 15 times with 3 passes. Continue with the next exercise.

Piriformis Syndrome – Exercise 6

Abduction: You are in the lateral position with bent knees. Spread the leg above you. The feet are in constant contact with each other. To make the exercise more difficult, you can tie a theraband around your knees. Repeat the spreading 15 times with 3 passes. Back to the article: Physiotherapy for Piriformis Syndrome.

Physiotherapy Piriformis Syndrome

Unpleasant pain in the buttocks and back of the thigh causes the so-called Piriformis Syndrome. A “swollen” piriformis muscle causes pressure on the large sciatic nerve, which causes the burning stitches. In the following, the background is explained and suitable exercises and measures from physiotherapy are explained in order to achieve freedom from pain as … Physiotherapy Piriformis Syndrome

Osteopathy for Piriformis Syndrome | Physiotherapy Piriformis Syndrome

Osteopathy for Piriformis Syndrome Especially in the case of a piriformis syndrome, many classical orthodox medical therapies fail. Especially osteopathic therapy has no guarantee of success, but can help in case of failure of physiotherapy. Whether osteopathy is a sensible alternative must be examined in each individual case. Summary The Piriformis Syndrome, which is particularly … Osteopathy for Piriformis Syndrome | Physiotherapy Piriformis Syndrome

Hip Physiotherapy – Exercise 1

Roll out: Place a fascial roller/tennis ball under your buttocks and roll over it for max. 1 minute. Repeat this 2-3 times as needed. The load on the roller can be dosed by yourself. You should feel a clear pressure. Continue with the next exercise.

To Which Doctor for Back Pain

Back pain is a widespread common ailment. Especially young people do not attach great importance to it. But with them the pain can be a symptom of a serious disease: Bekhterev’s disease. And this can only be clearly diagnosed by a specialist. Muscles and ligaments, nerves and vertebrae: back pain can have many causes. Almost … To Which Doctor for Back Pain

Physiotherapy – alternative treatment | Femoral head necrosis – exercises

Physiotherapy – alternative treatment Some physical measures result from physiotherapy, which can be used depending on the symptoms. Comprehensive information about physiotherapy for this clinical picture can be found in the article: Physiotherapy for femoral head necrosis To minimize the load on the hip joint and to provide relief, the hip joint can be mobilized … Physiotherapy – alternative treatment | Femoral head necrosis – exercises

Stretch marks on the bottom

Definition Stretch marks are known in medicine as “Stria cutis atrophica” or “Stria cutis desitensae”. Stretch marks that develop during pregnancy are called “Stria gravida”. Stretch marks on the skin are cracks in the subcutaneous tissue (subcutis). For numerous reasons, such as hormonal fluctuations, genetic predisposition or rapid weight gain, tears occur in the subcutis. … Stretch marks on the bottom