Skin Cracks on the Fingers

Symptoms Skin tears on the fingers – known as rhagades – are deep, cleft-like, and often keratinized lesions that extend into the dermis of the skin and occur mainly near the fingernails at the tips of the fingers. They may also occur on the back of the hand. Despite their small size, the skin tears … Skin Cracks on the Fingers

Corner of the Mouth Cracks

Symptoms Mouth corner rhagades manifest as inflamed tears in the area of the corners of the mouth. The symptoms are often bilateral and and often involve the adjacent skin. Other symptoms include redness, scaling, pain, itching, crusting and dehydration. Mouth cracks are uncomfortable, bothersome and often slow to heal. Causes Typical causes and risk factors … Corner of the Mouth Cracks

Home remedy for a rash

Introduction Many different factors can be responsible for the development of skin rashes. In addition to allergic reactions, for example to pollen (skin rash caused by pollen), intolerance to medicines, inflammation and infection can also lead to a rash. Skin rashes can also be the result of a weakening of the immune system or a … Home remedy for a rash

Home remedies for certain skin rashes | Home remedy for a rash

Home remedies for certain skin rashes Depending on the cause of the rash, different home remedies may be more effective than others. Mites are small arachnids, whose excrement in combination with house dust can make life difficult for many people. The mites’ faeces dry out and then decompose. If it comes into contact with human … Home remedies for certain skin rashes | Home remedy for a rash

DIY Medication

What does DIY stand for? DIY is an acronym and stands for “Do It Yourself” (“do it yourself”). DIY medicines are usually made by private individuals. They can be laymen as well as professionals. Some examples are shown below. Teas and tea blends Medicinal plants such as the peppermint, chamomile or marigold can be planted … DIY Medication


Marigold is native to Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe, and the drug material comes from wild collections in North Africa (Egypt) and Eastern Europe (for example, Poland and Hungary). Other cultivars are found in Mediterranean countries and to a small extent in Germany. The plant is also a popular garden and cut flower. Calendula flowers … Marigold

Marigold (Calendula)

Products Preparations from the flowers of calendula are commercially available as tinctures, ointments, gels, oils, and in the form of body care products and cosmetics (e.g., from Weleda). The medicinal drug is available as open goods in pharmacies and drugstores. Stem plant The annual marigold from the daisy family is native to Europe. Medicinal drug … Marigold (Calendula)


Effects Cholagoga are choleretic, digestive and flatulent. Indications Indigestion, bloating, nausea, flatulence, feeling of pressure in the stomach. Dosage Take 15-30 minutes before meals. Active ingredients Medicinal drugs containing essential oils, bitter and pungent substances, such as: Elecampane Artichoke Bishop’s weed Boldo Earth smoke Javanese turmeric Cat’s paw Lavender Dandelion Milk Thistle Melissa Butterbur Peppermint … Cholagoga

Medicinally used plant parts | Marigold or Calendula officinalis

Medicinally used plant parts The dried flowers and petals of the marigold are used medicinally and medically. In sunny weather the flower heads are harvested and dried for a few days. The dried flowers are used to make teas, ointments and tinctures. Ingredients Pharmacological ingredients of marigold are: Tripterpene saponins and tripterpene alcohols Flavonoids Hydroxycoumarins … Medicinally used plant parts | Marigold or Calendula officinalis

Side effect and interaction | Marigold or Calendula officinalis

Side effect and interaction In case of an allergy to calendula plants, allergic reactions are possible! Please consult your doctor before any treatment with the medicinal plant Calendula! Combination with other medicinal plants As already mentioned, the marigold is often a component of tea blends as a “decorative drug”, thus contributing to the attractive appearance … Side effect and interaction | Marigold or Calendula officinalis