Restlessness States: When the Body and Mind Can’t Settle Down

Inner tension, the feeling of being overwhelmed and the fear of not living up to anyone’s expectations rob us of the joy of the day.In addition, in hectic times we often lack the time to relax and draw strength for the daily demands. The causes of nervousness and restlessness vary, but the consequences are almost … Restlessness States: When the Body and Mind Can’t Settle Down

Autogenic Training

Autogenic training is known to many people. In today’s society, time pressure, stress and permanent hectic are increasingly the cause of mental illness and physical diseases. Dizziness, burnout or depression are examples of possible consequences of this lifestyle. That’s why it’s all the more important to take time out regularly and relax properly. The term … Autogenic Training

Instructions | Autogenic Training as a Relaxation Method

Instructions Autogenic training must be performed once or twice a day for several months in order to make progress. It consists of two stages: Lower level and Upper level. Beginners start with the lower level, which consists of seven formulas. However, not all seven formulas are used directly. They begin with the first formula, which … Instructions | Autogenic Training as a Relaxation Method