Homeopathy for influenza

The symptoms of influenza appear within a short time. These include an increase in body temperature up to 40°C with usually accompanying chills. In addition, there is a dry cough and severe pain in the area of the head, neck and limbs. The symptoms are accompanied by a feeling of severe fatigue. The flu is … Homeopathy for influenza

Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for influenza

Is there a suitable complex agent? active ingredients: The complex remedy Weleda Infludoron® Streukügelchen contains a total of six homeopathic active ingredients. These include Aconitum napellus D1, Bryonia D1, Eucalyptus globulus, Eupatorium perfoliatum D1, Sabadilla officinallis and Ferrum phosphoricum D6. Effect: The complex agent can be used both for influenza and flu-like infections. It relieves … Is there a suitable complex agent? | Homeopathy for influenza


Other termf Camphor Use of Camphora for the following diseases Fear Flu A sudden cold with a stuffy nose Use of Camphora for the following symptoms/complaints Circulatory weakness with cold sweat Pale and bluish skin Fast, flat pulse Nausea Vomiting Aggravation in cold, night and exercise Improvement after sweating. Active Organs Central nervous system Skin … Camphora