Human Blood Circulation

The circulatory system reaches into almost every corner of the body to supply cells with oxygen and nutrients. Find out here why bottlenecks sometimes occur and what helps blood circulation get going. For humans, the circulatory system is both a supply and disposal system: it transports oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and organs and … Human Blood Circulation

How does a hickey develop?

Introduction A hickey is simply a normal bruise or bruise. In technical terminology it is also called a hematoma. However, a hickey differs in its cause and development from conventional bruises that are acquired through a minor trauma. Intense sucking or biting with the mouth or teeth during kissing can cause injury to the small … How does a hickey develop?

Embolia Cutis Medicamentosa: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Embolia cutis medicamentosa is a rare but serious complication that is generally seen following intramuscular injection. The condition is associated with localized skin necrosis, sometimes over large areas, and therapy is lengthy. What is embolia cutis medicamentosa? Embolia cutis medicamentosa (also Nicolau syndrome, livedo dermatitis) is a serious complication resulting from an intramuscular (mostly intragluteal … Embolia Cutis Medicamentosa: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

You can recognize vasculitis by these symptoms

Introduction Vasculitis is an inflammation of the blood vessels. There are innumerable different types of vasculitis, which are assigned to this group of diseases. Vasculitis can lead to many different symptoms, as almost all organs can be affected. If certain symptoms occur without any other identifiable cause, they can indicate the presence of vasculitis. However, … You can recognize vasculitis by these symptoms