Diagnosis | Halitosis

Diagnosis People who suffer from bad breath often do not even notice it themselves. This fact is due to the fact that the sense of smell is subject to a certain adaptation mechanism. The human sense of smell usually responds only to changes in the concentration of fragrances. However, since the concentration of fragrances in … Diagnosis | Halitosis

Tooth formula

Introduction The tooth formula is also called the denture formula or tooth scheme in many textbooks and provides an overview of the teeth found in humans (and all other mammals). In Europe, the dental formula of the Fédération Dentaire Internationale (FDI), the international professional association of dentists, is generally used. The entire jaw is divided … Tooth formula

The seal

Definition A seal (tooth seal) is colloquially called a tooth filling made of amalgam, a mercury alloy (silver amalgam). Individual components of this filling material are: Silver (40%) Tin (32%) Copper (30%) Indium (5%) Mercury (3%) and Zinc (2%). Discussions about the seal Amalgam dental fillings are still the subject of many discussions today. Critics … The seal

Application | The seal

Application Amalgam is still frequently used in German dental practices and is also quite easy to insert into the tooth. After a local anaesthetic is applied, the caries is completely removed and the tooth is prepared in a box-shaped manner. This preparation ensures the highest possible adhesion between the tooth substance and the filling material. … Application | The seal

The cost of a seal | The seal

The cost of a seal The cost of a seal, i.e. a tooth filling, depends on the material chosen for the filling. In most cases there is the possibility of a plastic or amalgam filling. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most frequently chosen seal is made of plastic. The … The cost of a seal | The seal

Procedure of a professional dental cleaning

Introduction A so-called professional tooth cleaning (short: PZR) is one of the standard measures in the treatment process of various diseases of the periodontium. In addition, professional tooth cleaning can also be used for the prevention (prophylaxis) of gum inflammation or periodontitis. Professional teeth cleaning is primarily used to remove soft (plaque) and hard (tartar) … Procedure of a professional dental cleaning

How long does a PZR last? | Procedure of a professional dental cleaning

How long does a PZR last? The duration of professional dental cleaning (PZR) depends on the number of teeth to be treated and the individual oral situation of the patient (type and amount of plaque, inflamed gum pockets, etc.). The selection of the required instruments depends on this. As a rule, treatment for adults takes … How long does a PZR last? | Procedure of a professional dental cleaning

Professional dental cleaning

Introduction In the oral cavity there are billions of different bacteria that colonize the mucous membranes. The entirety of these microorganisms is called oral flora. It is normally in a state of equilibrium, so that infections do not occur because the bacteria that cause illness are kept in check by others. However, if the balance … Professional dental cleaning