
Synonym Medical: Cerebellum (lat.) Nucleus dentatus Nucleus emboliformis Nucleus globosus Nucleus fastigii Another anatomically distinct area of the cerebellum is the so-called cerebellar tonsils. Although they are not functionally significant (at least no particular function has been attributed to them so far), they do play an important role in everyday clinical practice. This is for … Cerebellum

Symptoms | Cerebellar atrophy

Symptoms Depending on the affected cerebellar area and the extent of tissue loss, characteristic symptoms of cerebellar atrophy occur. The cerebellum can be divided into three sections with different functions. The vestibulocerebellum mainly processes information from the vestibular organs and is responsible for the coordination of head and eye movements. The spinocerebellum regulates walking and … Symptoms | Cerebellar atrophy

Therapy | Cerebellar atrophy

Therapy If there is an underlying disease (in the symptomatic form), it should be treated first.Depending on the cause, (additional) specific, individually oriented measures are recommended. Studies on the effectiveness of a drug treatment of the various complaints have not yet been scientifically completed. In one study, success was observed in the treatment of ataxias … Therapy | Cerebellar atrophy

History | Cerebellar atrophy

History The course of atrophy of the cerebellum is individual and there is no cure. However, the progression of the disease can be delayed by appropriate lifestyle. In the case of alcohol-induced cerebellar atrophy, this includes, for example, abstinence from alcohol, the addition of missing vitamins and treatment of the alcohol-related disease. Active participation in … History | Cerebellar atrophy

Cerebellar atrophy and dementia | Cerebellar atrophy

Cerebellar atrophy and dementia There are studies on autosomal dominant cerebellar atrophy (ADCA- autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia) and an association with dementia. Only subtype 1 is thought to be associated with mild dementia in the course of its development. It is thought that attention and the ability to learn are particularly disturbed. The subtypes of … Cerebellar atrophy and dementia | Cerebellar atrophy

Symptoms | Hands tremble

Symptoms The tremor is known in technical terms as tremor. A characteristic feature of tremor is that it occurs rhythmically and opposing muscle groups contract alternately. There are different types of tremor depending on when the tremor occurs. A tremor at rest, without any movement being performed, is called a rest tremor. This occurs in … Symptoms | Hands tremble

Hands tremble

Introduction A trembling of the hands occurs in many people in different forms. The trembling of the hands can have many causes. Some causes are harmless, others are based on serious diseases. The fact that our muscles tremble is basically a completely normal process of the body, which among other things ensures that our muscles … Hands tremble

Cerebellar infarction

Definition A cerebellar infarction (cerebellum) is a stroke in the cerebellum, which is caused by the occlusion of the arteries supplying the brain or bleeding from them. The vessels originate from the vertebral artery (Arteria vertebralis) and the basilar artery (Arteria basilaris). The vertebral and basilar arteries with their branches form the posterior circulation for … Cerebellar infarction

Diagnosis | Cerebellar infarction

Diagnosis The first priority in diagnostics is the physical and neurological examination to identify the infarction itself. The neurological deficits can be of various kinds, but in the case of a cerebellar infarction they concentrate on the sense of balance, as well as the coordination and execution of movement sequences. If a cerebellar infarction is … Diagnosis | Cerebellar infarction