Genital warts

Definition Genital warts are also called genital warts or codylomas. The technical term for these benign skin growths in the genital and anal area is Condylomata acuminata. Along with genital herpes and chlamydia, genital warts are one of the most common venereal diseases and are caused by human papilloma viruses (HPV). However, the presence of … Genital warts

Cervical Smear: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The statutory health insurance companies offer women various preventive examinations as part of the annual gynecological cancer screening. Among these examinations is the cervical smear test. What is the cervical smear test? A cervical smear is a smear of cells from the area of the cervix. Cells are collected from the cervix using a cotton … Cervical Smear: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Warts: Causes, Treatment & Help

Warts are mostly contagious but harmless skin diseases that come in different forms and shapes on the human body. Typical warts are slightly raised and differ in color from the normal skin color. Dangers of infection exist, as with athlete’s foot, mainly through smear infections in swimming pools and showers. What are warts? Warts occur … Warts: Causes, Treatment & Help

HPV Vaccination

Products HPV vaccine is commercially available in many countries in the form of a suspension for intramuscular injection (Gardasil, Cervarix). Vaccination has been licensed since 2006. Structure and properties The vaccines contain the recombinant L1 protein from the capsid of various HPV types. It is in the form of noninfectious virus-like particles and is produced … HPV Vaccination


Products Vaccines are mainly sold as injectables. Some are also taken perorally as oral vaccines, for example, in the form of capsules (typhoid vaccine) or as a suspension for oral administration (rotavirus). Monopreparations and combination preparations are commercially available. Vaccines, with few exceptions, are stored in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2 to 8 … Vaccines

Are genital warts contagious?

Introduction Sexually transmitted diseases, such as genital warts, are still often a taboo subject in our society. “Are genital warts contagious?” or “How do I protect myself from genital warts?” are therefore often among the unanswered but urgent questions for many people affected. Basically, genital warts, also known as condylomata accuminata, are a sexually transmitted … Are genital warts contagious?

Why you should vaccinate

Introduction A vaccination is administered to prevent a person from contracting a certain disease. Vaccinations are therefore one of the most effective preventive measures to protect against disease. Preventive means that the vaccination is applied to a healthy person before he or she falls ill. This means that no disease is treated to cure it, … Why you should vaccinate

Why are there so many vaccination opponents? | Why you should vaccinate

Why are there so many vaccination opponents? The disadvantages listed above are probably some of the reasons for the number of vaccination opponents. But a not to be underestimated role plays here probably also the half-truths circulating among parents, which concern inoculations. Vaccinations are supposed to serve above all the pharmaceutical companies and their profit, … Why are there so many vaccination opponents? | Why you should vaccinate