Contraception | Fertile days

Contraception There are several natural contraceptive methods that aim to limit the fertile and infertile days of the female cycle. Ovulation calculators, menstrual calendars, but also symptothermal methods are used, in which the assessment of the cervical mucus and the measurement of basal body temperature are the main focus. Symptothermal methods are considered relatively safe … Contraception | Fertile days

Fertile days

Definition A woman’s fertile days are the days in the menstrual cycle when fertilization of an egg can take place. This phase of the cycle is also known as the “fertile cycle phase” or “fertile window”. After ovulation, the egg is located in the outer third of the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized … Fertile days

Is it possible to measure the fertile days? | Fertile days

Is it possible to measure the fertile days? There are several ways to determine the fertile days approximately. There are a number of different ovulation tests (e.g. Clearblue), which determine the time of ovulation based on hormonal concentrations in the female urine (see above). This test is suitable for increasing the likelihood of pregnancy, as … Is it possible to measure the fertile days? | Fertile days

What accompanying symptoms indicate ovulation? | Can you feel the ovulation?

What accompanying symptoms indicate ovulation? The accompanying symptoms can be explained by the influence of female sex hormones. They cause both the maturation of the egg and physical changes during the female cycle. A typical symptom is the increase in breast size before ovulation, which can often manifest itself as a pulling in the breast. … What accompanying symptoms indicate ovulation? | Can you feel the ovulation?

Ovulation despite pill

Introduction Ovulation despite the pill is virtually impossible with the classic combined pill. Ovulation only occurs if there are errors in taking the pill. With the estrogen-free pills, especially the minipill, however, ovulation can occur to a certain percentage. The progestin in the pill has the primary task of thickening the mucus around the cervix. … Ovulation despite pill

How can you determine ovulation? | Ovulation despite pill

How can you determine ovulation? Ovulation is triggered by the increase in the hormone LH. LH can be determined with ovulation tests in urine. Thus, the change in the LH concentration in the urine can be used to determine whether and when ovulation has occurred. In addition, the so-called cervical mucus also changes after ovulation. … How can you determine ovulation? | Ovulation despite pill

Hormone-free contraception

What does hormone-free contraception mean? Many couples are looking for alternative methods of contraception because of concerns about complications from hormonal contraceptives or personal rejection of them. There is a wide range of options, with most contraceptive methods involving the woman herself. The advantage of hormone-free methods is that they do not interfere with the … Hormone-free contraception

What is the respective Pearl index? | Hormone-free contraception

What is the respective Pearl index? The Pearl index indicates the number of pregnancies in one hundred women over a period of one year using the chosen contraceptive method. It is thus an indicative guide to reliability. The lower the Pearl index, the more reliable the method is classified. Depending on the literature source used, … What is the respective Pearl index? | Hormone-free contraception