MRI (Cervical Spine): Reasons, Process, Significance

MRI cervical spine: when is the examination necessary? Various diseases and injuries of the cervical spine can be detected or ruled out with the help of an MRI. These include, for example Herniated disc in the area of the cervical spine Inflammation of the spinal cord (e.g. multiple sclerosis and transverse myelitis) Inflammatory diseases of … MRI (Cervical Spine): Reasons, Process, Significance

Exercises from the physiotherapy

A daily workout of 5 to 10 minutes is often enough to keep the body free of disease. The muscles are strengthened, the joints are moved through and the circulatory system is promoted. All exercises are also used in physiotherapy and are well suited for imitation. The cervical spine must be strengthened on the one … Exercises from the physiotherapy

Strengthening of the rear upper body

“Turtle” Lean on a chair and pull the shoulder blades together. Feet and knees are on the ground. Now make your chest and cervical spine long and hold the tension for 10 seconds. The exercise will be more difficult if you only have your feet on the floor. This exercise strengthens the upper back muscles. … Strengthening of the rear upper body

Stretching of the shoulder muscles

“Long lever” From an upright position, move the left ear towards the left shoulder as far as possible. The breastbone is erected and the shoulders are pulled back/down. The gaze is directed straight forward. The right arm pulls the right shoulder to the ground. This creates a pull in the right shoulder and neck area. … Stretching of the shoulder muscles

Stretching of the chest muscles

“Stretched Arm” From an upright position, bring both arms stretched backwards. Pull the shoulder deeply down. Behind your body try to raise your arms a little bit without getting too much into the hollow back and direct your upper body forward. This will create a pull in the chest/shoulder. Hold this position for 15 seconds … Stretching of the chest muscles

Strengthening of the shoulder blade musculature

“Static rowing” Sit upright on a chair. In both hands you hold a stick at chest height. Pull the pole towards your chest by drawing your shoulder blades together. Try to pull the stick apart by your body. Hold the tension for 20 seconds. After a short break, repeat the exercise. Continue with the next … Strengthening of the shoulder blade musculature

Strengthening of the short neck muscles

“Cervical Cervical Rotation” You can perform this exercise in a standing or sitting position. Rotate your head with your cervical spine stretched to one side as if you were looking over your shoulder and looking backwards. In this position hold one hand against her cheek. Exert pressure against your hand by trying to rotate your … Strengthening of the short neck muscles

Cervical spine syndrome – these exercises help

In the following, exercises are explained which prevent a cervical spine syndrome or improve an already developed cervical spine syndrome or help with the healing. In physiotherapy, especially those structures are treated which are particularly stressed by the one-sided and static activities and which tend to hypertonus due to the lack of blood circulation. In … Cervical spine syndrome – these exercises help