Active treatment concept for chronic neck pain

Instead of passive treatment of the painful tissue (joints, muscles, connective tissue), the path should be one of active strengthening, mobilization and coordination training of the muscles, as well as improvement of general physical fitness. In cases of severe pain and fear of movement, it is advisable to enable the patient to take up activity … Active treatment concept for chronic neck pain

Relax the neck

How is a tense neck treated? If you suffer from tension in the neck muscles, you should first find out why these problems occur. Basically, the cause should be eliminated before starting treatment. If the tension is caused by a one-sided posture, e.g. sitting for too long, you should make sure to change your sitting … Relax the neck

Neck tensions

Introduction Neck tensions show up as persistent pain caused by increased basic tension (muscle tone) of the neck muscles. These often become stronger during movements, although they do not subside completely even when at rest. The trapezius muscle is often affected, one of the most prominent muscles in the neck, which extends from the underside … Neck tensions

Symptoms | Neck tensions

Symptoms Initially, patients with tense neck muscles feel a mostly local pressure on the corresponding muscle areas. If this does not lead to a relaxation of the muscles, a hardening of the muscles soon develops, which can also then affect the surrounding nerve tracts. This leads to moderate to severe pain. The pain is described … Symptoms | Neck tensions

Diagnosis | Neck tensions

Diagnosis Since neck tensions have many different causes, it can sometimes be difficult to make a diagnosis. In the case of stress-related causes and signs of wear and tear, such as osteoporosis or arthrosis, a visit to the family doctor can be helpful. Malpositions of the spine can best be visualized with imaging techniques such … Diagnosis | Neck tensions