Forecast | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Forecast Overall, the prognosis of a slipped disc in the cervical spine is good. In most patients, the symptoms and the herniated disc are already receding through conservative therapy. In advanced cases, surgery unfortunately cannot guarantee a complete resolution of the symptoms, but an improvement of the symptoms can occur. Causes With the age of … Forecast | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Characteristics | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Characteristics Identifying muscles are those muscles that are only supplied by a corresponding nerve root. In the event of a failure of an identifying muscle, it is therefore possible to determine exactly which nerve root must be constricted. One can therefore determine the exact height of the herniated disc. Between the cervical vertebrae C5/C6, the … Characteristics | Herniated disc in the amount of C5/6

Adjust the vertebrae

The settling of a vertebra is usually carried out when the mobility of individual vertebral bodies is restricted by a so-called blockage of the vertebra. The underlying blockage is a clinical picture of manual medicine, for which only a few studies and research results are available. Typical complaints that occur in the context of the … Adjust the vertebrae

Symptoms of vertebral blockage | Adjust the vertebrae

Symptoms of vertebral blockage Typical symptoms that occur when one or more vertebral bodies are blocked and which are an indication that the vertebrae are dislocated are movement-related back pain. It should be noted that when a vertebra is blocked, the joint movement of the spine is never completely restricted. This means that the spinal … Symptoms of vertebral blockage | Adjust the vertebrae

Other accompanying symptoms | Ear noises – caused by the cervical spine

Other accompanying symptoms If ear noises come from the cervical spine or jaw, additional symptoms to the ear noises may occur. These can be local symptoms such as neck pain, sensitivity to pressure, loss of mobility in the cervical spine, pain points in the muscles and tension headaches. On the other hand, secondary symptoms can … Other accompanying symptoms | Ear noises – caused by the cervical spine

Prognosis | Ear noises – caused by the cervical spine

Prognosis It is not possible to make a uniform prognosis for the development of ear noises caused by changes in the cervical spine. The multitude of causes means that there are many different treatments. Degenerative processes are not curable, but more or less strongly progressive wear processes. Nevertheless, an improvement of symptoms can be achieved. … Prognosis | Ear noises – caused by the cervical spine

Anatomy of the spine

Introduction The spine is our “support corset” of the upright gait. Ligaments, numerous small joints and auxiliary structures guarantee us not only stability but also a certain degree of flexibility. Structure of the spinal column Our spine is divided into the following different sections starting from the head: Cervical spine (HWS) Thoracic spine (BWS) Lumbar … Anatomy of the spine

Spinal discs and ligaments | Anatomy of the spine

Spinal discs and ligaments An intervertebral disc (= intervertebral disk) represents the cartilaginous connection between two vertebral bodies. It consists of a connective tissue and cartilaginous outer ring, the so-called annulus fibrosus, and a soft inner gelatinous core, the nucleus pulposus. Intervertebral disc (intervertebral disc) – Discus inter vertebralis Gelatinous nucleus – nucleus pulposus Fiber … Spinal discs and ligaments | Anatomy of the spine