Exercises for cartilage damage

Our joints are covered by a layer of hyaline joint cartilage, which facilitates the sliding of the two joint partners against each other. Hyaline cartilage is a cartilaginous connective tissue with a very high water content. It serves as a shock absorber. There are no nerve endings in the cartilage, which means it is not … Exercises for cartilage damage

Patellar pain – exercises from physiotherapy

Patellar pain, also known as chondropathia patellae, is often the result of overloading, incorrect loading or due to a poor condition of the muscles, tendons and ligaments. In most cases, the front of the thigh (quadriceps muscle) is in muscular imbalance with its counterpart, the back of the thigh (ischiocrural muscles). This results in increased … Patellar pain – exercises from physiotherapy

Further therapeutic methods | Patellar pain – exercises from physiotherapy

Further therapeutic methods In addition to the pure physiotherapeutic treatment for patients with patellar pain, additional techniques such as ice treatment, electrotherapy, ultrasound, especially on the surrounding structures (ligaments, tendons), can be used to relieve the irritation and pain. An applied tape can also support the stability. In the acute phase, anti-inflammatory painkillers are prescribed. … Further therapeutic methods | Patellar pain – exercises from physiotherapy

Summary | Patellar pain – exercises from physiotherapy

Summary The exact cause of patellar pain does not exist, but it is believed to be overexertion or incorrect loading in especially competitive athletes or people who have to work a lot in kneeling. This results in increased abrasion of the cartilage, which can later lead to knee arthrosis. In order to reduce the discomfort, … Summary | Patellar pain – exercises from physiotherapy


Synonyms Patella fracture, patella fracture, patella tendon, patella tendon, patellar tendon, chondropathia patellae, retropatellar arthrosis, patella luxation, patella luxation Medical: Patella Normal patella Dysplastic patella Dysplastic patella with lateralization Retropatellar cartilage damage Function The kneecap transfers the force of the front thigh muscles to the shin via the knee joint. The patella of the kneecap … Kneecap

Chondropathia Patellae: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In most cases, chondropathia patellae is a cartilage disease of the knee with a favorable course. Surgical treatment measures are very rarely necessary. What is chondropathia patellae? Schematic diagram showing the difference between a healthy knee and chondropathia patellae. Click to enlarge. Chondropathia patellae is a disease of the cartilage (chondropathy) that affects the back … Chondropathia Patellae: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Kneecap popped out

Synonyms Patella fracture, patella fracture, patella tendon, patella tendon, patella tendon, chondropathia patellae, retropatellar arthrosis, patella luxation, patella luxation Medical: Patella Introduction This topic is a continuation of the kneecap topic. More information on the topic Patella jumped out can be found under Patella luxationThe patella is a V-shaped bone in front of the knee … Kneecap popped out