Cough suppressant

Synonyms in a broader sense Chicks, chestnuts, irritable cough, coughing irritation engl. : to cough Prescription cough suppressants There are both prescription cough suppressants and non-prescription products. The prescription drugs are usually more effective and are used for severe irritable coughs. Codeine and dihydrocodeine, for example, belong to this group, but they have an addictive … Cough suppressant

Irritation of the throat

Coughing is an important, endogenous protective reflex of our body, but also a common symptom of many diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs. Before we cough, a subjectively felt coughing stimulus occurs, triggered by various factors, such as foreign bodies or cold air. They irritate individual sensory (lat. : afferent) nerve fibres in the … Irritation of the throat

Suppressing the coughing stimulus | Irritation of the throat

Suppressing the coughing stimulus A coughing irritation and the dry cough that follows it can severely impair everyday life. Those affected therefore often simply try to suppress it. But is that possible? In principle, our coughing irritation can be suppressed to a certain degree. By using breathing techniques, moistening the airways or special posture, for … Suppressing the coughing stimulus | Irritation of the throat

Home remedy against cough

Synonyms in a broader sense Tussis, Reizhusten, Hustenreiz engl. : to coughThe best known naturopathic remedy for coughs that is also recommended by conventional medicine is hot milk with honey, which should be drunk before sleeping to suppress the cough. As cough teas, preparations with fennel, thyme, yew root, lungwort and valerian are used. Chocolate … Home remedy against cough

What do I need to consider for my child and baby? | Home remedy against cough

What do I need to consider for my child and baby? Coughing is one of the most common illnesses that make a visit to the pediatrician’s office necessary for a child or baby. Due to the small diameter of the upper respiratory tract, coughing in children or babies can often hinder their breathing. The most … What do I need to consider for my child and baby? | Home remedy against cough

Gastroparesis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The term gastroparesis refers to a disorder of the motility of the stomach. Paralysis of the stomach causes pain, nausea, or vomiting. What is gastroparesis? Gastroparesis is a condition in which gastric motility is impaired. Motility disorders are disturbances in the healthy movement patterns of the digestive organs. Much of the musculature of the stomach … Gastroparesis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cough – symptom complex

Synonyms in a broader sense Chicks, chestnuts, irritable cough, coughing irritation engl. : to cough Introduction Coughing can be a symptom of many different diseases, such as a cold, bronchitis or allergic asthma. This makes coughing one of the most frequent reasons for patients to present themselves to their family doctor. It is particularly important … Cough – symptom complex

Spirometer: Application & Health Benefits

A spirometer is a medical device used to measure and record lung function parameters of respiratory air volume and flow rate. Modern spirometers use a variety of techniques, including turbine, pneumotachograph, and ultrasound. The procedure, called spirometry, is commonly used in general practices and by pulmonary specialists (pneumologists or pulmonologists) as part of a pulmonary … Spirometer: Application & Health Benefits

Sodium Chloride: Effects, Uses & Risks

Sodium chloride is also known as table salt. This agent is used as sodium chloride solution (saline) or tablets to compensate for a chloride, fluid, or sodium deficiency. Sodium chloride is used as a volume substitute in cases of severe blood loss. What is sodium chloride? Sodium chloride is used as sodium chloride solution (saline) … Sodium Chloride: Effects, Uses & Risks

Cough expectorant

Coughing is an important protective reflex of the body to expel foreign bodies, mucus or dust from the lungs. The coughing reflex therefore frees the airways and prevents them from becoming narrowed. Coughing can occur in the course of respiratory diseases, heart disease or as a side effect of medication. Most often, however, the cough … Cough expectorant