Moxibustion: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Moxibustion, also called moxa therapy or moxing for short, is a special variant of acupuncture and belongs to Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM. Unlike classical acupuncture, moxing does not always use needles. The basis of moxa therapy is the heating of specific acupuncture points by burning finely ground mugwort herb. What is moxibustion? Moxibustion involves stimulating … Moxibustion: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Environmental Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Environmental medicine deals with the influence of environmental factors on health. Within this specialty, the greatest focus is on anthropogenic environmental pollution. As an interdisciplinary medical specialty, environmental medicine addresses the environmentally related aspects of disease. What is environmental medicine? Environmental medicine deals with the influence of environmental factors on health. Within this field, the … Environmental Medicine: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Infectious Mononucleosis (Glandular Fever)

Symptoms Severe sore throat and difficulty swallowing, pharyngitis. Tonsillitis with yellowish-white coatings. Narrowing of the isthmus faucium (constriction formed by the palatal arches). Fever Fatigue Feeling sick, fatigue Lymph node swelling, especially in the neck, armpits and groin. Limb and muscle pain Headache Skin rash (only in about 5%). Lymphocytosis (increased lymphocyte count in the … Infectious Mononucleosis (Glandular Fever)

Home Remedies for Fatigue

More and more people suffer from fatigue and tiredness. If this condition occurs more frequently and regularly, one should confide in a doctor in any case. Countless reasons and triggers can lead to fatigue. Therefore, it is advisable to clarify the causes first. What helps against fatigue? In order to successfully solve the problem of … Home Remedies for Fatigue

Late effects of the whistling glandular fever

Introduction Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is a worldwide disease caused by the Epstein Barr virus. During the disease phase itself, typical symptoms such as inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils, swelling of the lymph nodes and high fever occur. However, not everyone is aware of the late effects of whistling glandular fever, which can also occur after … Late effects of the whistling glandular fever

Late effects on the spleen | Late effects of the whistling glandular fever

Late effects on the spleen With a very small portion of the people ill with Pfeifferschem glandular fever, the spleen can rupture. The spleen as a lymph organ may be reactively enlarged during the disease. The exact size can be examined by ultrasound. In the second or third week of the disease, the risk of … Late effects on the spleen | Late effects of the whistling glandular fever

Depression as a late consequence | Late effects of the whistling glandular fever

Depression as a late consequence It has been found that some viruses are directly related to the clinical picture of depression. One of these viruses is also the Epstein Barr virus, which causes the Pfeiffer’s glandular fever. Particularly in connection with chronic fatigue syndrome, the occurrence of listlessness, loss of motivation for activities and thoughts … Depression as a late consequence | Late effects of the whistling glandular fever