
Introduction Pentoxifylline is an active ingredient used in medicines to promote blood circulation. Since pentoxifylline also has anti-inflammatory properties, certain inflammatory diseases can also be treated well with the active ingredient. Due to its effect as a blood circulation-promoting substance, pentoxifylline has a wide range of indications. It is used in peripheral arterial occlusive disease … Pentoxifylline

Alcohol and pentoxifylline | Pentoxifylline

Alcohol and pentoxifylline The simultaneous intake of alcohol and medication can be problematic with some medications. However, a direct interaction between alcohol and pentoxifylline is not known. However, since the active ingredient pentoxifylline is mainly broken down by the liver, the effect of alcohol or pentoxifylline can be enhanced if taken at the same time. … Alcohol and pentoxifylline | Pentoxifylline

Dizziness and migraine – What disease is behind it?

Definition – What is dizziness with migraine? Dizziness with migraine, often called vestibular migraine, refers to the occurrence of dizzy spells, which can be temporally related to a migraine attack. This means that the dizziness can occur before, during and after the migraine attack. However, it also happens again and again that the dizziness occurs … Dizziness and migraine – What disease is behind it?

Therapy of dizziness with migraine | Dizziness and migraine – What disease is behind it?

Therapy of dizziness with migraine The treatment of dizziness and migraine depends on the severity of the symptoms. Basically, the therapy is an extension of the treatment of migraine with drugs that help against dizziness. Accordingly, in an acute situation, painkillers can be taken when headaches occur, such as Aspirin® or Ibuprofen©. There is also … Therapy of dizziness with migraine | Dizziness and migraine – What disease is behind it?

Diagnosis | Dizziness and migraine – What disease is behind it?

Diagnosis The diagnosis of dizziness and migraine is mainly made by means of the doctor-patient consultation. For this, the already made diagnosis of migraine is a prerequisite. For this, typical criteria such as at least 5 migraine episodes as well as the often unilaterally pulsating type of headache are necessary. The dizziness can occur in … Diagnosis | Dizziness and migraine – What disease is behind it?


In the event of a stroke (synonyms: stroke, insult, apoplexy), a circulatory disorder of blood vessels in the brain results in a reduced supply of blood and oxygen to downstream brain areas. Depending on its location, the circulatory disorder leads to various neurological deficits, such as hemiplegia or hemiplegia, weakness or even paralysis of an … Stroke

Symptoms | Stroke

Symptoms In the event of a stroke, a disturbance in the blood flow to blood vessels in the brain results in a reduced supply of blood and oxygen to downstream brain tissue. Since every section of the brain is responsible for a certain function of the body, depending on the location of the circulatory disorder, … Symptoms | Stroke

Diagnosis | Stroke

Diagnosis A stroke is an emergency, so if there is the slightest suspicion of a stroke, a doctor should always be consulted. An early diagnosis and immediate start of therapy can improve the prognosis and positively influence the course of the disease. In order to make a diagnosis, it is first necessary to take a … Diagnosis | Stroke

Prognosis | Stroke

Prognosis The prognosis of a stroke is highly variable and depends on the location and extent of the brain damage. Often the symptoms are completely regressing due to the stroke, but there may also be a severe need for care. In some cases a stroke can even be fatal. Early diagnosis and a quick start … Prognosis | Stroke

Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Low blood pressure (hypotension) is usually harmless and not an expression of serious diseases. Typical complaints here are mostly cold feet and hands, dizziness and fatigue. In some cases, fainting spells or impaired consciousness may also occur. Nevertheless, a doctor should be consulted to clarify all eventualities. In addition, the doctor can give valuable advice … Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment