Fields of application | Cortisone therapy for joint diseases

Fields of application Inflammations of the joint apparatus (knee, hip, etc.) can have various causes. They can be caused by overexertion, incorrect loading, age-related wear and tear (degeneration), autoimmune diseases (the body destroys its own tissue) or bacterial infections. Depending on the type of illness, your doctor will try to improve the symptoms by immobilising … Fields of application | Cortisone therapy for joint diseases

How often should an application take place? | Cortisone therapy for joint diseases

How often should an application take place? For many patients, a single application is sufficient to cure the symptoms. Depending on the preparation, the anti-inflammatory effect lasts for 3 weeks. If the inflammation has not subsided completely after this period, further cortisone infiltrations should not be carried out too close together. No more than 4 … How often should an application take place? | Cortisone therapy for joint diseases

Complications and contraindications of cortisone therapy | Cortisone for a slipped disc

Complications and contraindications of cortisone therapy As is the case with many procedures, complications can also arise in the treatment of a herniated disc with cortisone, especially with cortisone injections. Therefore it is important to inform the patient about the possible risks in a preliminary talk before the operation. First, the patient should be made … Complications and contraindications of cortisone therapy | Cortisone for a slipped disc

Duration of intake | Cortisone for a slipped disc

Duration of intake The duration of cortisone intake depends on the improvement of symptoms under therapy. Since the cortisone is taken to improve the symptoms of the herniated disc, the reduction in symptoms should also be the control variable that decides on the intake. Basically, the intake of a glucocorticoid over a few weeks is … Duration of intake | Cortisone for a slipped disc

Coccyx pain when sitting

What is coccyx pain when sitting? The coccyx is the lowest part of the spine. It is surrounded by a thin periosteum and is supplied by a fine plexus of nerves, which makes it very sensitive to pain. A variety of different causes can trigger coccyx pain, which often occurs mainly when sitting. Long and … Coccyx pain when sitting

How can I prevent coccyx pain when sitting? | Coccyx pain when sitting

How can I prevent coccyx pain when sitting? In most cases, coccyx pain that occurs in a sitting position is not a disease that can be treated specifically. What can be done is usually only a symptom-oriented therapy to alleviate the symptoms and to avoid circumstances that trigger the symptoms. Since frequent and prolonged sitting … How can I prevent coccyx pain when sitting? | Coccyx pain when sitting

Shoulder joint arthrosis

Synonyms in a broader sense Shoulder joint arthrosis, acromioclavicular joint arthrosis, AC joint arthrosis, clavicle, clavicle, acromion, shoulder joint, arthrosis ACG Introduction The acromioclavicular joint (AC joint) is the joint between the acromion and the clavicle. Through a lot of sport, physical work or after injuries, signs of wear and tear can develop in this … Shoulder joint arthrosis

Diagnosis of shoulder joint arthrosis | Shoulder joint arthrosis

Diagnosis of shoulder joint arthrosis A precise description of the symptoms often makes it possible to make a suspected diagnosis of acromioclavicular joint arthrosis. However, further imaging procedures and a precise clinical examination are necessary for an exact diagnosis. During palpation, the physician pays attention to swelling, pressure pain and stress pain in the joint. … Diagnosis of shoulder joint arthrosis | Shoulder joint arthrosis