Seborrheic Dermatitis: Seborrheic Eczema

In seborrheic eczema (synonyms: Dermatitis seborrhoica capitis; Dermatitis seborrhoica infantum; Eczema, seborrheic; Unna’s disease; Seborrheic dermatitis; ICD-10 L21.-: Seborrheic eczema) is a greasy, scaly inflammation of the skin. It occurs mainly in areas of the skin where there are many sebaceous glands, such as on the hairy head, face and trunk. Different forms can be … Seborrheic Dermatitis: Seborrheic Eczema

Ephelides: Freckles

Ephelides (colloquially called freckles; ephelides: Greek ἔφηλις – ephelis, in plural ephelides from Gr. epi – ἐπί “at” and hēlios – ἥλιος; synonyms: summer spots; in Austria also Gugerschecken/Gugaschecken or Guckerschecken, in Switzerland also Märzen- or Laubflecken; ICD-10 L81.2.: ephelides. Incl: Freckles) are more pigmented, small yellowish and brownish spots on the skin. They occur, … Ephelides: Freckles

Verrucae: Warts

Many different forms of viral warts (ICD-10 B07) can be distinguished. Viral warts are mainly caused by human papillomaviruses. The virus belongs to the Papovaviridae family. Warts are benign skin and mucous membrane growths. They include: Verruca vulgaris (vulgar wart; HPV 2, 4). Verruca plantaris (synonyms: Plantar wart, deep plantar wart/foot wart, Myrmecia; HPV 1, … Verrucae: Warts

Xanthelasma Palpebrarum: Xanthelasmata

Xanthelasma (lid xanthelasma; lid xanthoma; planar xanthoma of the eyelids; xanthelasma palpebrarum; xanthelasma of the eyelids; ICD-10 H02.6) are yellowish, raised plates in the tissues of the upper and lower eyelids that contain cholesterol. They are classified as xanthomas of the skin. This skin change is benign (benign), but has a cosmetically disturbing effect. Women … Xanthelasma Palpebrarum: Xanthelasmata

Eyebrow Pencil

The eyebrow pencil emphasizes the shape and color of your eyebrows and gives them a natural-looking contour. Choose a shade that matches your natural eyebrow color: Blue eyes: these should not be affected by a too dark eyebrow color. Recommendable are rather lighter shades of brown. Green eyes: light brown, which has a small green … Eyebrow Pencil


Camouflage is a special make-up for covering and balancing certain skin changes. The makeup is characterized by its high pigment content and high coverage, making it resistant to heat, water and perspiration. The name of the special make-up comes from the French word “camouflage” and means “camouflage”. Camouflage makeup contains two different types of wax: … Camouflage

Ultrasound against wrinkles | Get rid of wrinkles

Ultrasound against wrinkles Another method of reducing existing wrinkles and also delaying the formation of new wrinkles is ultrasound treatment. Wrinkles develop in deeper skin layers. Ultrasound is also used to reach and stimulate the deeper cells. The collagen lying between the cells is particularly important for firm skin. Its production should be increased by … Ultrasound against wrinkles | Get rid of wrinkles

Get rid of wrinkles

Wrinkles develop during the natural aging process. They develop differently from person to person and also occur individually. Some factors such as sunlight, smoking, alcohol or even a genetic predisposition have a negative effect on the development and cause them to appear earlier. For many people, mostly for women, wrinkles are an unpleasant cosmetic problem. … Get rid of wrinkles

What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Hyaluronic acid (INCI: hyaluronic acid, sodium hyaluronate) is a very important component of connective tissue. It has the ability to bind very large amounts of water relative to its mass (up to six liters of water per gram). When hyaluronic acid is missing from the skin … Tissues containing hyaluronic acid are very resistant to … What is Hyaluronic Acid?

Nutrition Recommendations

However, despite a rich, wholesome food supply, an adequate individual vital substance supply is not always guaranteed. Insufficient vital substance supply may be due to improper food preparation, for example, or may be caused by an individual vital substance excess requirement. This is not only noticeable through physical condition disturbances such as a decrease in … Nutrition Recommendations