Tooth powder | Toothpaste

Tooth powder Besides toothpaste in the smooth paste form, there is also tooth powder in granular form. The composition of these granules differs significantly from the pastes. The application on the toothbrush is not very easy, because some of the granules go wrong. Toothpastes for children For children the toothpastes for adults are too sharp. … Tooth powder | Toothpaste

Toothpaste and pimple blackheads | Toothpaste

Toothpaste and pimple blackheads Blackheads are closed sebaceous glands that cannot be affected by the use of toothpaste.Pimples are usually inflammations of these sebaceous glands (blackheads). The recommendation that toothpaste has a positive effect on pimples and blackheads is therefore nonsense. Toothpaste against herpes? Toothpastes contain some substances that are rather irritating to the wound. … Toothpaste and pimple blackheads | Toothpaste

Summary | Toothpaste

Summary Toothpastes are used together with toothbrushes to clean the teeth. They contain more or less abrasive cleaning agents. In addition, they contain important substances to prevent caries and keep the gums healthy. Many different substances can be combined in their composition. The most important ingredients are fluorides. All articles in this series: Toothpaste Composition … Summary | Toothpaste

Postpartum fever

Introduction Postpartum fever (Puerperal fever) is an inflammation and inflammatory changes in the genital area of the woman during childbirth caused by bacteria. During the birth process, minor injuries and tears occur in the mother’s birth canal. Bacteria can then migrate through these small wounds and cause postpartum fever (Puerperal fever). Symptomatology As long as … Postpartum fever

Prophylaxis | Postpartum fever

Prophylaxis The frequency of the occurrence of puerperal fever has fallen sharply since the discovery of hand disinfection by the gynecologist Ignaz Semmelweis in the 19th century. Before Semmelweis addressed the problem, women very often died of blood poisoning (puerperal sepsis) resulting from postpartum fever. Today, the incidence in Germany is about 5 percent. The … Prophylaxis | Postpartum fever

Causes | Vitamin D deficiency

Causes The most common cause of vitamin D deficiency is insufficient intake of vitamin D from food, or insufficient formation of vitamin D by sunlight. This occurs particularly in the dark autumn and winter months. Dark skinned people living in Germany are also particularly often affected by a vitamin D deficiency, as their dark skin … Causes | Vitamin D deficiency

Pathophysiology – what happens when there is a vitamin D deficiency | Vitamin D deficiency

Pathophysiology – what happens when there is a vitamin D deficiency Vitamin D is formed from the precursor cholecalciferol, which is either taken in with food or formed by sunlight. This cholecalciferol then undergoes several reactions in the liver and kidneys until it is formed into the active vitamin D (also called calcitriol). In this … Pathophysiology – what happens when there is a vitamin D deficiency | Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency

Definition One speaks of a Vitamin D deficiency if the physiological need for Vitamin D cannot be sufficiently covered. As standard value a Vitamin D mirror of 30 μg/l is accepted. Straight one in Germany lies the Vitamin D mirror however far under 20μg/l. Values between 10-20μg/l are referred to as a manifest vitamin D … Vitamin D deficiency

Gum transplantation

Definiton In gum transplantation, gum is removed from a specific area and then implanted in another area. These grafts, usually taken from the palate, are used to cover recessions, i.e. exposed tooth necks, or non-healing wounds on the jawbone. The tissue is sutured with sutures to the appropriate place and heals there within a few … Gum transplantation

Procedure of a gum transplantation | Gum transplantation

Procedure of a gum transplantation Gum transplantation is performed by a dentist with special training. After previous diagnostics, the planned procedure is performed in another appointment. For this purpose, a syringe is given in two places to anaesthetize both the donor and recipient sites. As soon as this is effective, the recipient site is prepared. … Procedure of a gum transplantation | Gum transplantation