
Latin name: Clycyrrhiza glabraGenus: butterfly blossom plants Plant description The liquorice bush is one of the oldest medicinal plants and was already known to the Egyptians around 1300 BC. Licorice is perennial, grows up to 1.5 m high and is anchored in the ground with a tap root and extensive root system. The leaves are … Licorice

Side effects | Licorice

Side effects Prolonged use of liquorice root can cause water retention and swelling of the face and ankles. Sodium excretion is reduced and potassium excretion is increased. Due to increased potassium losses, the effectiveness of heart medication can be increased. Reduced sodium excretion can lead to increased blood pressure. So consult your doctor if you … Side effects | Licorice

Diaphragmatitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Diaphragritis is basically an inflammation of muscles in the area of the diaphragm. The inflammation of the muscles usually assumes a localized extent. What is diaphragritis? In modern medicine, the diaphragm is given a particularly high degree of importance. For this reason, diaphragmatitis can sometimes assume life-threatening proportions. Anatomically, the diaphragm consists of both muscles … Diaphragmatitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cough – symptom complex

Synonyms in a broader sense Chicks, chestnuts, irritable cough, coughing irritation engl. : to cough Introduction Coughing can be a symptom of many different diseases, such as a cold, bronchitis or allergic asthma. This makes coughing one of the most frequent reasons for patients to present themselves to their family doctor. It is particularly important … Cough – symptom complex


Mucosan®, Mucoangin®, Mucosolvan®, Lindoxyl®, mucolytic, secretolytic, ambroxol hydrochloride, expectorant, local anestheticAmbroxol is an active ingredient used in medicines primarily as a cough expectorant. It has a mucolytic effect on the lungs and bronchial tubes and has a slightly anaesthetic effect on the throat area. Ambroxol is therefore often used for colds with particularly stubborn mucus … Ambroxol

Cough reliever in pregnancy and children | Cough expectorant

Cough reliever in pregnancy and children As with all other medicines, the possible damage to the unborn child must be taken into account when taking cough medicine. In general, herbal preparations are considered to be better tolerated, but since there is often little or no study data for use during pregnancy, they should not be … Cough reliever in pregnancy and children | Cough expectorant

Cough suppressant during pregnancy and for children | Cough expectorant

Cough suppressant during pregnancy and for children There are also different opinions on the strict application of cough suppressants for pregnant women and children. The use of central cough suppressants is only permitted for children over two years of age. Infants and children under 14 years of age must not be treated with hydrocodone. Hydrocodone … Cough suppressant during pregnancy and for children | Cough expectorant

Recipes for cough syrup

General information A cough syrup (antitussive) is a medicine that suppresses or dampens the irritation of the cough. Usually the basis for a cough syrup is a simple syrup (Syrupus Simplex, purified water and household sugar) or an alcoholic solution. There are many different brands and manufacturers from which you can buy cough syrups in … Recipes for cough syrup

Cough expectorant

Coughing is an important protective reflex of the body to expel foreign bodies, mucus or dust from the lungs. The coughing reflex therefore frees the airways and prevents them from becoming narrowed. Coughing can occur in the course of respiratory diseases, heart disease or as a side effect of medication. Most often, however, the cough … Cough expectorant