
Meditonsin® is a homeopathic remedy for colds. It is available in pharmacies, but not on prescription, and is therefore available over the counter. Meditonsin® is a homeopathic tri-complex of the three natural, complementary active ingredients: Aconitinum, Atropinum sulfuricum and Mercurius cyanatus. Mode of action Meditonsin® contains the three active ingredients listed above. Each of them … Meditonsin

Cautious use | Meditonsin

Cautious use Under certain circumstances Meditonsin® can be taken, but special care is required. Caution is required when using: If any of the above symptoms occur, please consult your doctor. Children under the age of seven months should not receive Meditonsin® as there is insufficient documented experience. As mentioned above, children between seven months and … Cautious use | Meditonsin

Cough syrup

General information A cough syrup (antitussive) is a medicine that suppresses or dampens the irritation of the cough. Usually the basis for a cough syrup is a simple syrup (Syrupus Simplex, purified water and household sugar) or an alcoholic solution. A variety of cough syrups with many different active ingredients are available. For some active … Cough syrup

Cough syrup during pregnancy | Cough syrup

Cough syrup during pregnancy Especially centrally acting cough syrup must not be used during pregnancy and lactation, so opiate derivatives such as codeine, dihydrocodeine, noscapine and the non-opioid cough blocker dextromethorphan are taboo! But also peripherally acting cough syrup should be used with caution and only with strict indication. For example, dropropizine, pentoxyverine and pipaceta … Cough syrup during pregnancy | Cough syrup


Synonyms in a broader sense Chicks, chestnuts, irritable cough, coughing irritation engl. : to cough Definition Coughing is the body’s natural method of clearing the airways of foreign bodies and pathogens and is therefore a sign of a healthy immune system. Coughing is a symptom and not a disease in itself; the causes are manifold. … Cough

Nocturnal cough | Cough

Nocturnal cough A common cause of night-time coughing is the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus, which is facilitated by lying down.This so-called gastroesophageal reflux is not uncommon, affects women and men equally and is aggravated by coffee consumption, nicotine, overweight, alcohol and stress; the actual cause is a weakness of the stomach entrance … Nocturnal cough | Cough