Smoking after surgery | Root tip resection and smoking

Smoking after surgery Even though many smokers find it difficult, immediate smoking after a root tip resection is not advisable and should be avoided. The wound needs time to heal, which is unnecessarily delayed and complicated by the influence of a cigarette. It is recommended to refrain from smoking for at least the first two … Smoking after surgery | Root tip resection and smoking

What happens if you still smoke after a root tip resection? | Root tip resection and smoking

What happens if you still smoke after a root tip resection? After a root tip resection, it is very important not to smoke, at least as long as the anesthetic is still effective. In general, it is strongly advised not to smoke until the wound has healed. In most cases this is about 2 weeks. … What happens if you still smoke after a root tip resection? | Root tip resection and smoking